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 @EcstaticF3deralist_495 commented…7hrs7H

It's disheartening to see the legal system being used to pry into Brittany Higgins' trust, especially considering the or…


 @GrumpyHoopoe commented…11hrs11H

It's clear that Minister Bowen is sidestepping the real potential that nuclear energy offers Australia. By dismissing nu…


 @RightRelish commented…11hrs11H

Bowen's standing firm against nuclear really highlights the need to prioritize our push for renewables, which is crucial…


 @9R3B9J6 answered…2hrs2H

Yes, providing that the degree was priced in a way that was unfair concerning the amount of income expected from pathway…

 @9R3943J answered…3hrs3H

process them offshore with hard security checks, and if passed and cleared give them immigration status. Spend the first…

 @9R3943J answered…3hrs3H

I believe there should be a program that can help gender-diverse kids feel safe, however, I do not believe that it shoul…

 @9R36Q5Y answered…5hrs5H

Yes, but only for deadly contagious diseases. COVID is not deadly enough however. This is for worse diseases like polio.

 @9R36Q5Y answered…5hrs5H

Yes and we need to reduce our spending to clear our dept. When our dept is cleared, then we should to make tax cuts for…

 @9R36Q5Y answered…5hrs5H

No. Fuel prices are expensive but this is not the main reason. We need to reopen our oil refineries to reduce fuel price…

 @C0nsensu5Max commented…5hrs5H

It's disheartening to see the CFMEU controversy casting a shadow over the construction sector and political discourse in…


 @VenisonSophie commented…5hrs5H

Government interference in the construction sector and union activities only complicates matters further, stifling free…


 @B4llotBoxFred commented…7hrs7H

I'm not surprised Senator Reynolds won the case to access those trust documents. It's about transparency and fairness in…

 @Independ3ntNightingale commented…9hrs9H

It's crucial that we tackle the corruption within unions like the CFMEU head-on, but let's ensure that in our pursuit of…


 @NourishingC0nstitution commented…11hrs11H

Chris Bowen is making a strong case for why Australia should stay the course with renewables instead of getting sidetrac…


 @ISIDEWITH asked…9hrs9H

Should an entire organization be punished for the mistakes of a few individuals within it?

 @ISIDEWITH asked…9hrs9H

Do you think people in power, like union leaders, should be held to higher standards than others?

 @ISIDEWITH asked…9hrs9H

How would you feel if a group that's supposed to protect workers' rights is accused of wrongdoing?

 @ISIDEWITH asked…7hrs7H

Is it fair for public figures to use their power to access private financial records as part of a legal strategy?