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No, there will always be those with power who will do anything to achieve their ideology or personal benefit
The aim will be to achieve this in time although it seems to be lingering as a possibility for now and not obsolete yet
There are always power hungry people who do not care about the safety of others and will use all means necessary to get what they want. There will always be people who want wars. Creating governments that discourage violence and conflict can mitigate this as much as possible, but I think it is impossible for war to ever be obsolete. Whether fighting for good, or fighting against bad, protecting people's safety will always be an issue, and thus war will always be an issue.
No. Everything is subjective and although people are able to change their perspective on life, others gain conflicting perspectives. Everything is constantly changing and evolving.
yes, once all the greedy and horrid "leaders" in charge of coutries are out of the government
Though war should never be inflicted on a country or individuals, conflict will exist regardless of the type of leaders, thus resulting in miscommunication and the unfortunate possibility of war.
Conflict is instinctually human; built in. History always repeats itself, and unfortunately, power hungry, greedy 'leaders' will always find a way to rise. I believe in free religious expression for the most part, and unfortunately conflicting religions will often end war.
There will always be though who want war, yet we should always seek to avoid it. I don't think we will ever achieve it, but we should be aiming to.
No, some people will always desire more power and control
@9K7XB6QOne Nation12mos12MO
It is within human nature to want to compete. The existence of our sentience as humans means we have free will to decide on actions, decisions or thoughts. Due to this, variation of actions, decisions or thoughts can create disagreement. There will always be people who may be more aggressive and thus more competitive over resources or for certain goals. A world where war is obsolete is one where humanity acts as a complete monolith with no difference of thought or physical attributes and biological drives, which will never naturally happen.
I believe it is human instinct and essence to have conflict, although the nature of war will change greatly.
as society has progressed, we have seen that war tends to bring no benefits for the masses. namely, it is only the rich and wealthyy that hold control over the common class that benefits from war.
hopefully in the future as technology progresses and cooperation between nations is more and more needed, war becomes obsolete as it would only hinder the progression of our society.
No, we will not. The human race will always want to fight to gain what they want.
World leaders will always have a need to grow economically and strategically in order to maintain power and leadership. Land that has strategic value will always be causation for war, for example the suez canal, which is a perfect trade route used to export oil to the western world. Diverse religious teachings are also cause for the continuation of war. As highlighted in the palestine-israeli conflict, in which both parties view the same territory as their rightful land and despite numerous attempts at peace negotiation the war continues.
I wish it would, but knowing the political beliefs of other countries and how they differ, I don't think it'll change any time soon.
Yeah well war is always going to exist because as long as humans exist there will be difference of opinions and instead of pursuing genuine peaceful settlements "world leaders'" egos will get in the way of them thinking straight and they will end up trying to establish their dominance rather than find common ground
No, unfortunately, it's in our nature to bash eachoter up.
I hope that we do, but the Nihilist in me knows it is impossible, and we are simply fortunate to live in a time that another major war hasn't started.
Although anti-war would be ideal to achieve, I believe wars will continue to exist.
I hope we do put the nihilist in me knows we would never reach that point
Absolutely not, war is inevitable, and peace is only temporary. If history has taught us anything, that is the expected cycle.
@9HSK65S 1yr1Y
The Australian government unlawful and the matters of the public assistance inside Press conference release by Asia Israel armour forces
Target was in Gaza and Israel Bombo strikes Near Jerusalem terrible survival ideas
Maybe at some point but for now, the world is still in a state of mind where war is still an option, although I would still like to advocate the fact that the world is at a point where war is hard to actually commit to which I think is a rather unpredictable state of the world which is scary to an extent.
@935CG4PLiberal Democrat 1yr1Y
War is important, without it we would have to power to creat change and overthrow governments.
No. Because there is always a new man-made conflict to confront around the corner.
I hope so, but I doubt it. War is not something that should be how ever present it is today, war leads to the death of innocent civilians and is a tragedy. Unless recklessly provoked by malicious acts that attempt to negate the physical security of a nation, war is unnecessary. You would hope that the well-educated leaders of nations would be able to work their problems out diplomatically (like adults) but unfortunately war is mostly inevitable but that is why rules and regulations for warfare need to be strengthened including the consequences for not following international law.
@9HK9YD6 1yr1Y
The legs wings stands up for the unions of wars emergency against Israel by wings legend former UK Prime minister's office and former US president Donald Trump charge with supreme court fruad
no, humans are with emotions and desires which would never end.
Mankind will never know peace until humanity is reduced to one or fewer - Erwin Smith
No, I think that humans have a instinct to defend, retaliate and gain more for the advantage of their people and economic growth. Even though it is suggested by those who proffesional in the workings of economic and civilization growth.
Unfortunately I don't think we will ever reach that point, although we should be striving to. With rapidly advancing technology, increasing geopolitical tension, and abuses of power, it is unlikely.
In an ideal world, I would love the human race and the civilised world and society to reach a point where war is obsolete. But I’m a realistic world, war has been going on since the beginning of time and the human race and unfortunately I think conflict and war will be a lingering issue and problem as the human race and civilised society continue to evolve
No, conflict is an inherent aspect of human nature and so long as those in power are given the means, they will likely enact war until the means are removed.
No. Unless human beings all have the same mind/thought process, as disagreements are inevitable. Whether we get rid of weapons or the manpower used to fight wars, people will always find a way.
No, I think that war will always be something humans face mostly because it is in our nature to be different and diverse.
I dont think people will ever reach a point where war is obsolete, there's always people who don't care about how their actions effect others and thirst for power
No. It's too profitable and is used strategically to enhance the position of global superpowers such as the USA.
No. I believe that it is human nature to fight for power and what governments believe are the 'best interests' of citizens. Corruption will always be present and therefore war is inevitable. However, greater efforts for global cooperation and peace between nations will reduce the frequency and scale of war.
No, I think we will always find something to fight about
No. People will always fight and squabble and be greedy and disloyal
No, war will continue to happen as it is part of human nature.
maybe, but with the way America, Russia, China and North Kora are right now it might not be possible. Though Sweden and similar places are on the right track.
Yes but only after we have one which is inevitable
never, war is always necessary as when debt and rates are high as well as population it is a great reset button.
No I do not think that the human race will ever reach a point where war is obsolete because people will always want more and there will always be at least a portion of the population who want more power.
I don't think the human race will ever reach a point where there are no wars due to differing views, wants and cultures.
Only if there reaches a point where the human race doesn't exist anymore.
No, there are too many stupid people and too many awful people in power, even good people in power can be corrupted by their power.
While I'd like to be optimistic about war being obsolete, especially in the context of decreased global conflicts over the past few decades, War is an unavoidable outcome of the nation state model and as the human race technologically progresses humanity continually finds ways to increase the scale of warfare.
If the American hegemony is still the head of the global order, no.
As much as I would love to have total faith and hope in the human race that we could come together in peace and harmony, I think that is an idealistic view of the world and don't think it is possible with the continuous conflict between countries and world leaders who refuse to expand their minds and change their archaic ways.
Given the entire history of the human race, unfortunately not.
I doubt it, especially looking at the state of the world currently.
No, as much as societies advocate for anti-war, I think it is an unrealistic notion and is an inevitability of the human condition
No because of the amount of conflicting ideologies, beliefs and religions.
No, war and self-destruction is inherent to the human condition. Such concepts of conflict will never be resolved with the myriad of differing ideologies, whether that be political or social, values and attitudes toward pressing issues.
No. If the high elite want war. There will be war.
Yeah well war is always going to exist because as long as humans exist there will be difference of opinions and instead of pursuing genuine peaceful settlements "world leaders'" egos will get in the way of them thinking straight and they will end up trying to establish their dominance rather than find common ground
@9K3YF3L 12mos12MO
No, if the production of military weapons and military training stops, and a war begins we are defenseless.
I think there should be no war of a topic as such.
@9K328QWSocialist Alliance12mos12MO
I hope so. I think human greed is powerful and until humanity is at a point where everyone understands how damaging it is, greed will prevail.
no as war is a tool of geopolitics and ideology and thus will always have a use.
No, those in power will always find ways to gain control
No I believe humans will continue to fight for power, resources and land.
Antiwar should not be available as otherwise some people countries can get away with certain things.
We can hope, but we do not have a very good track record.
@9JPP255One Nation1yr1Y
In the world, there will always be conflict. Even if there will not be war, there will still be minor fights and these minor fights could end up as another war and a war can become a world war. However, if we end conflict, we will no longer be able to have a say and be allowed to speak up. Therefore, war can nearly never be solved without removing our right to speak for ourselves.
I think that eventually the middle east will have no wars however it will not be peace due to the fact that it will be done by the antichrist.
Until we collectively reach a higher order of thinking, which could be thousands of years, no I believe that war will still be present in the near future
never. i think greed is a main drive of the human race .
No. Humanity is a greedy species, so there will always be some form of war somewhere in the world.
Perhaps when the majority of decision making around war involvement isn't derived predominantly from the outdated values of the patriarch
No. Everything is subjective and although people are able to change their perspective on life, others gain conflicting perspectives. Everything is constantly changing and evolving.
No, I don't think that humans will ever reach a place where war is obsolete, some humans are power hungry and greedy and will do anything to achieve their desired power even if it means tearing apart other countries
No, as long as there are different stances of life and greed and corruption runs in politics there will always be conflict between nation states and thus sadly war will always be inevitable
I hope so but i don't see that happening in the near future.
@9K6CXSS 12mos12MO
No, war and conflict is an inevitable part of human nature and will be likely to exist. The existence of human free will and desire conflicts with the idea of the obsoletion of war.
No, because there will always be conflict in the world. Especially now, with the wolrd being more divisive than it has ever been.
there hopefully will be but only if we get rid of certain thinkings and ideologies that seperate people on their differences rather than bringing them together.
no i do not because there will always be a dictator, president or prime minister that wants more land or has something against another country.
No, while it is ideal that war becomes obsolete, humans are violent and immature.
no because there will always be crazy people who want to disrupt peace
No because I believe it is a part of human nature to fight
No, wars will be fought at smaller scales as resources scarcity will always lead to conflict.
I don't believe the human race will exist where war is obsolete as for opinions and way of life. It may improve though if people stop treating people unequally.
I think this may be true because the world needs to get together to improve technology. This will put a stop to war but there might be small problems with un-allied groups.
Never. People cant ever stand their differences aside. The world can never be perfect. But we can at least try to make wars never happen.
hypothetically, thousands of years from now, maybe, but probably not.
Only when we reach a (currently only in science-fiction) post scarcity world, with advanced technology that can create food, medicine, shelter etc. Without the need for the overuse of resources ir human labour. At that point war is pointless.
No, because somehow empathy, common sense and negotiation is not the norm.
No, there will always be selfish and destructive nation states.
No, as long as money and power is the focal point in society.
Due to governments and corporations financial interests in war, I believe that the human race will become obsolete before war does as long as we continue to live in a world dominated by capitalism.
No. There will always be people who choose violence as their method of demonstrating their beliefs.
No, someone/a community will always have ultimate power and feel as though they can take over.
No, their will always be a need for power and war.
@9K6RPFN 12mos12MO
No. At this point, the human race is so diverse with thoughts and opinions and various political ideologies that there will never be peace, despite the fact that it's ideal (in my opinion).
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