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Do you support the legalisation of same sex marriage?


 @God's-girl disagreed…1yr1Y

Top Disagreement

NO NO NO never You are going against God's word I don't care if your christian or not same sex marriage is stupid And it doesn't make sense because even if you are "soulmates" Which don't exist you are two men getting married What happened to women being men's gift from God Huh? This world is going to hell and you along with it if you don't change.!!!


You are wrong. If the claim that God loves all is true, then he loves people, regardless of who they choose to marry. Love is Love and nobody should have a say in that other than those people getting married

 @God's-girl commented…1yr1Y

Yes God loves all who follow his will but when they deny and turn away God cries in heaven for another soul lost to the devil If you agree to SSM then you have chosen your path but I personally want to stick to God's will as a female I will not have a romantic relationship with another female.