Try the political quiz

239 Replies


Would you be at ease with the notion that the natural beauty you enjoy may not be around for your children to see?


It would be sad, however I don't think I would personally care too much.


Natural beauty is pertinent to the earth and to not be able to enjoy and rather entrapped in a concrete jungle would be a shame


I would be very upset to see that the world's beauty has depleted by the time i have kids...we need to preserve that for all future generations


i would not be at ease with this notion. I believe we need to do more for our enviornment to ensure our children do get to enjoy earths natural beauty.


The time and positive ways that humans experience the beauty of nature promotes pro-environmental behaviours and ideologies. As the climate change we are facing is anthropogenic, it is up to humans to stop these anthropogenic causes. Pro-environmentalism, and therefore experiencing the beauty of nature, is required to enact climate conservation.


No, I want my children to experience the beautiful world that I am able to live in


I believe that if the next generation cannot see the beauty of nature, then it is sad that, but we can always use out experience from our past time to relay on your children if the next generation doesn't get to see the beauty of nature.


No, the Earth more important than some stupid money number that needs to grow forever and ever just to sustain the unsustainable.

 @9JQY4HH agreed…6mos6MO

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Imagine a world with fewer environmental regulations; does that prospect excite or concern you?


How do you prioritize your own convenience against the potential long-term environmental damage it may cause?


When you notice changes in seasonal weather patterns, what concerns or thoughts does it bring up about the planet's future?


Considering the increasing number of eco-friendly products on the market, how do they affect your shopping choices?


If you had to give up an electronic device to reduce e-waste, which one would it be and why?


What would your reaction be if popular vacation spots could no longer be visited due to environmental neglect?


When you envision a future shaped by current environmental policies, how does that picture make you feel?


If the clean river or lake you love became polluted due to industrial waste, how would you respond to the companies responsible?


How would you feel if you had to choose between a high-paying job that harms the environment and a lower-paying job that helps protect it?


Can you identify personal values that align with or oppose the idea of progress at the expense of the environment?


What if a significant historical event in your country was linked to anti-environmental actions; would that affect your national pride?


How does it make you feel to consider that some luxury items might be contributing to global environmental problems?


If a community's economic survival conflicted with environmental preservation, where would your sympathies lie?


What emotions come up for you when you think about balancing tradition and modernity in the face of environmental issues?


How would you explain the importance of a stable job market to someone deeply concerned about the environment?


Can you envision your life being impacted by environmental policies aimed at protecting the planet?


What if the pursuit of your dream career could negatively impact the environment; would your aspirations change?


Is the concept of prioritizing economic stability over environmental protection a necessity or a choice?


Would you sacrifice your current lifestyle for stringent environmental measures that you may not directly benefit from?


How does witnessing environmental degradation personally affect your views on the balance between the economy and nature?


Can you picture a future where technological innovation somehow worsens our environment; what does that future look like to you?


How do you feel when you hear about businesses that prioritize profits over eco-friendly practices?


How does the idea of technological advancements potentially solving future environmental problems make you feel about current environmental policies?


What personal sacrifices are you willing to make today for the well-being of the Earth's future?


What are your feelings towards the concept that unrestricted industrial growth could be more valuable than conserving natural resources?


How would it make you feel to know that animal species are going extinct due to human progress; is that a price worth paying?


Is the idea of placing economic development above all else comforting or troubling to you personally?


What if the economic benefits we enjoy today lead to environmental crises in the future; how does that possibility affect you?


If someone told you that climate change isn't as urgent as scientists claim, how would that make you feel?


Should the right to a clean environment be sacrificed for economic gain; what feels more important to you?


Do you believe it's fair for future generations to inherit a damaged planet for the sake of our current economic growth?