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 @4ZDL3Y3from South Australia answered…3yrs3Y

Mothers should get their income tax refunded for the previous 9 months. Easy to adminster and scales to salary


Parental leave should be higher in all positions, preferably the max amount of money available whether that's the same for everyone or not.


Yes it should be equal to the pay of the parent or carer taking the leave

 @9B7VKNZDemocratic Labouranswered…1yr1Y

No, and parental leave shouldn't be widely needed anyway since traditional parental roles should be promoted.

 @9994LPHGreenfrom Guam answered…1yr1Y

No, but increase the equal pay amount and duration of leave, and provide equal leave for fathers


Yes, but it should be taken based off of the primary caretaker of the child, which may not necessarily be the mother


No, all mothers should get paid the same amount. equal pay amount and duration of leave for mothers or fathers should be increased


Only in the respect of meeting their basic living needs (eg rent payments etc). And this shouldnt be reflected by inadequately low payments for low income earners either


no government to provide a liveable payment the employer will pay the rest



parental leave payments should be equal for all genders, doesnt neccessarily need to be increased.


 @8XJGLD4Health Australiaanswered…2yrs2Y


Yes, and also father's who are on parental leave should receive the same

 @Sam5924Socialist Allianceanswered…3yrs3Y

Parental leave should be standard for all parents, not just mothers.


Yes but increase it based on the primary carer's wage or salary regardless of gender.



The company should pay for the parental leave at a percentage between 75-100% of their salary. Especially if they have been with the company for years and are working full time.


Yes, women who are working in higher paid jobs have contributed higher taxes therefore they should benefit from a higher parental leave amount.


Paid parental leave should be available to all parents, and ought to be proportional to the wages earned. Measures should be in place to encourage both parents to take leave, as has been trialed in Scandinavian countries.




All benefits and wages should be freely negotiated between employee and employer.



It should only increase if they earn a lower wage and decrease if they earn a higher wage


No, All parental leave workers should get paid what they were working if they are in a permanent work role. This shouldn't change as the government already gives to much money away through 'income supports'


Yes, if they're employed they should be paid their normal wages by their employer instead.


Equal pay should be available to males and females, some women do not intend on having children. Those earning higher wages should be entitled to a higher rate however this should be discussed with their individual workplace.


If the primary breadwinner is the mother, and they usually have a salary over $150k, they should be entitled to parental leave payments if they don’t get parental leave payments from their employer or they have a significant reduction in income. Also need to extend parental leave entitlement beyond 18 weeks and have equal access and payment processes for mothers and fathers



No, but super contributions should remain aligned to mothers wage or higher



Yes because they are contributing more to the community through taxes. If it’s not percentage based, then everyone should pay the same taxes and not have that being percentage based.


No, government maternal leave payments should be equal for all women regardless. (Some companies already provide additional maternal leave payments to retain female staff.)


Yes, but maybe on a rolling average over a nominated number of years to prevent the privileged abusing the scheme.


No, should be based on family income and costs of supporting a new baby


Parental leave payments need to be based on the parent who is going on leave, income



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