Yes, as long as they pass the same background checks as straight couples
No, and I believe a mother and father family structure is best for the child
No, and adoption agencies should prioritize offering children to straight couples before offering to gay couples
No, and gay couples should not be able to adopt children

Historical Results

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Historical Importance

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Australia users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


Yes, but adoption laws should be harmonized with access to IVF for gay and straight couples, so that lesbian couples must meet the same requirements for using IVF as gay men for adoption.


they should only be allowed to adopt other gay people to get them out of our homes


Yes but, I believe a mother and father family structure is best for the child No, and adoption agencies should prioritize offering children to straight couples before offering to gay couples.


No and It should be taken into consideration the toll it may take on the child. Bullying and those questions of why they had two mums or two dads


as long as the parents are not abusive and have no criminal records or have recovered from their past