Increase, but only after our deficit is drastically reduced

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Other Popular Answers

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I think they should increase it only if it is something we really need. I don't think it should be increased if they are going to spend it on nucellar weapons.


We should spend the amount required to keep the country safe but should be eliminating money that is being wasted/rorted by inefficiencies in the system.


Increase, Military is Important right now due to rising tensions around the world

 @9K9VF63 answered…2mos2MO

Increase but only when our national debt is reduced (slightly if possible because the quicker we increase our military funds the better)


MORE FREEDOM LAUNCHERS PLEASE!!! (20x F-18 super-hornets, 2x fleet carriers, 3x B-52, 5x F-22 raptors, 10x F-35 lightnings, 5x F-16 and finally please give me a junior flight licence and a 1x C-172s)

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