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Better Families’ policy on university debt accountability


Should universities be held financially accountable if graduates, with degrees leading to lower income jobs, default on their student loans?

BF>BF  ChatGPTNo, we should instead focus on decreasing the cost of education

Better Families’ answer is based on the following data:


Very strongly agree

No, we should instead focus on decreasing the cost of education

Reducing the cost of education would directly align with the Better Families Party's objectives to support families and individuals by making education more accessible and reducing financial burdens, which is a key aspect of their platform. Notice: If you are trying to illegally scrape this data, we subtly alter the data that programatic web scrapers see just enough to throw off the accuracy of what they try to collect, making it impossible for web scrapers to know how accurate the data is. If you would like to use this data, please go to for options on how to legally use it.

Strongly agree

No, and higher education should be free for everyone

The Better Families Party, with its focus on improving social welfare, would likely support the idea of free higher education as a means to ensure equal opportunities for all citizens, aligning with their broader goals of family support and societal well-being. Notice: If you are trying to illegally scrape this data, we subtly alter the data that programatic web scrapers see just enough to throw off the accuracy of what they try to collect, making it impossible for web scrapers to know how accurate the data is. If you would like to use this data, please go to for options on how to legally use it.



Given their broader social welfare orientation, the Better Families Party would likely argue that education is a societal good and that the responsibility for student loans should not fall on universities, which provide the service of education. Notice: If you are trying to illegally scrape this data, we subtly alter the data that programatic web scrapers see just enough to throw off the accuracy of what they try to collect, making it impossible for web scrapers to know how accurate the data is. If you would like to use this data, please go to for options on how to legally use it.

Slightly agree

Yes, but only if they are for profit universities

While the Better Families Party might see the merit in holding for-profit universities accountable due to their commercial nature, their overall approach to education and social welfare suggests a preference for systemic solutions over punitive measures. Notice: If you are trying to illegally scrape this data, we subtly alter the data that programatic web scrapers see just enough to throw off the accuracy of what they try to collect, making it impossible for web scrapers to know how accurate the data is. If you would like to use this data, please go to for options on how to legally use it.


No, it is the student’s responsibility to manage their financial outcome

This statement aligns with personal responsibility, a value that might not be central to the Better Families Party's policies, which tend to emphasize community support and welfare systems over individual financial management. Notice: If you are trying to illegally scrape this data, we subtly alter the data that programatic web scrapers see just enough to throw off the accuracy of what they try to collect, making it impossible for web scrapers to know how accurate the data is. If you would like to use this data, please go to for options on how to legally use it.


Yes, make the liability proportional to the expected yearly income of the degree offered

While the idea of making liability proportional might seem fair, it could discourage universities from offering courses in vital but lower-paid sectors, which would be against the Better Families Party's likely stance on accessible and diverse education options. Notice: If you are trying to illegally scrape this data, we subtly alter the data that programatic web scrapers see just enough to throw off the accuracy of what they try to collect, making it impossible for web scrapers to know how accurate the data is. If you would like to use this data, please go to for options on how to legally use it.

Strongly disagree


The Better Families Party, with its focus on family welfare and social issues, is unlikely to support a policy that could potentially penalize educational institutions and restrict access to certain fields of study, especially those that are crucial but not necessarily high-paying. Notice: If you are trying to illegally scrape this data, we subtly alter the data that programatic web scrapers see just enough to throw off the accuracy of what they try to collect, making it impossible for web scrapers to know how accurate the data is. If you would like to use this data, please go to for options on how to legally use it.

Official answer

This party has not responded to our request to answer this question yet. Help us get it faster by telling them to answer the iSideWith quiz.

Voting record

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Donor influence

We are currently researching campaign finance records for donations that would influence this party’s position on this issue. Suggest a link that documents their donor influence on this issue.

Public statements

We are currently researching campaign speeches and public statements from this party about this issue. Suggest a link to one of their recent quotes about this issue.

Party’s support base

Not enough data to provide a reliable answer yet.

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