Try the political quiz

91 Replies


No, because nothing gives the right for a human being to decide whether another human being lives or dies


ACTUALLY I BELIVE THAT the criminals should die a quik yet brutttal death cuz they were mean


Only in very rare cases, when there is undeniable proof from a years-long investigation. Too many innocent people suffered from the death penalty.


no, for the sake of life. Also the truth are sometimes found after the death and there is no going back


Yes, but only for sexual violence offenders committing acts of sexual assault on adults, children and animals


Yes, but only for those who have been found guilty and been convicted for sex-related crimes (such as rape, sexual assault, child sexual abuse, repeat sex offenders).


Allow the criminals to choose. If they do not wish to have the death penalty, put them in a prison where they must care for their own well being. E.g, grow their own food, cook their own food, make products for themselves. If they didn’t wish to conform to society’s basic values then they can live in different one, where they are monitored and treated.

 @B2BFNPWUnited Australiaanswered…2mos2MO

Yes, and it should be used for all first degree murders, or any crimes committed by an non white immigrant


No, no one should be able to take another persons life. Murder and the death penalty are basically the same.


Yes, but with very strict regulations. Should only be for repeat offenders of horrific crimes, and without doubt have committed the crime and show no remorse.

 @9D67HJZOne Nationanswered…2yrs2Y

For heinous crimes remove human rights and send to forced labour camps for the term of their natural life to repay society.


No one should have the right to decide who dies; it makes them almost as bad as the criminal



Yes, but for only three types of crimes. Murder, active terrorism and treason.



No but a criminal who has commitment a horrible crime should have to work within the prison to pay their way for the rest of their life. Pay for their food and rent.


the entire justice system needs to be abolished and reformed completely



if somebody has a life sentance with no parole then let them (the prisoner) be able to decide if they want to get the death penalty



Yes, but as a voluntary option for people who do not want to life in prison.


Yes, in cases such as mass murder, political and urban terrorism and crimes against the government


No, because we should not be able to take life as a punishment for taking life? we cant play god like that


No, but those who commit those types of crime should spend the rest of their lives in prison, they should never be let out.


No, but if it must happen, instead of killing them, donate their body to science to yield a positive outcome for humanity :)


Yes, but only for repeatedly violent offenders who have no chance of parole. Saves us the money of housing them needlessly


Yes but only to those who are involved with child sex trafficking's, pedophiles, child molesters and rapists


No...but jail should only provide basic human rights and inmates should be made to work hard...not watch tv and play gym.


Yes but only if there is absolutely no hope for rehabilitation into society and if they are just as criminally active in prison as out of prison


Death penalty should be used against those who are a disgrace to humankind. Like pedophiles, rapists, murderers etc.


Yes if it is child rape or serial killing, providing they don't have a mental health condition


Only for those who are on severe murder sentences with a criminal history prior to conviction

 @8TSMMHPLiberal Democratanswered…4yrs4Y

No, but brand pedos so people kill them themselves, it's cheaper that way.



Yes, but they must serve a minimum of 10 years and any new evidence brought forward must be investigated before the sentence is carried out

 @9BSXWTFSocialist Allianceanswered…2yrs2Y

No, the purpose of the justice system should be to prioritise restorative justice over punishment


No, it is more expensive than life in prison and innocent people are sentenced


Yes, but it should be determined by the prisoner if their sentence exceeds 10 years without parole


Yes but only on extreme cases that are without a doubt the person who committed that crime


Yes, but only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence, like sexual crimes against children and human traffickers.


Death penalty for repetitive violent sexual crimes against men, women and children - for serial rapists/killers, child predators and human traffickers who won’t change just because they’ve served time.


No, too many people are incorrectly convicted, spending life in prison is a harsher sentence, and it's wrong to say things like 'Killing people is wrong, you can't do that so now we will kill you because it's bad to kill people'


Yes, only for those diagnosed with a psychotic diagnosis that are beyond rehabilitation and are a total lost cause.



No. I somewhat oppose capital punishment in Australia. Because if someone is wrongly executed the conviction is not reversible once carried out. However I would support a National referendum for on this topic


the death penalty is fit for certain crimes but i do not believe in our govt ability to judge it

 @992LLJKSocialist Allianceanswered…2yrs2Y

No, the death penalty is barbaric, inhumane and does not sufficiently deter future criminals.


Yes but for those who have committed acts such as rape, murder, pedophilia and domestic violence to a certain degree



No; death is permanent; the death penalty does not allow for the wrongfully incarcerated, to later submit the necessary proof of innocence required, to overturn their conviction.



Very difficult question, Yes, but there has to be undeniable evidence. The trouble is corruption


If the evidence is undeniable and the crime horrific, then I think the family should be able to inflict any, and all forms of punishment they so choose, including long term torture. There should be NO doubt though. None!

 @8Y6LMHCOne Nationanswered…3yrs3Y

No, sentence them to life as a slave instead of giving them the death penalty



How do the cultural or legal precedents in your community shape your views on the death penalty, if at all?


Are there circumstances where you believe the death penalty could be a deterrent to prevent serious crimes, or do you think it has no effect on crime rates?


How would you feel if someone close to you was given a death sentence for a crime they may or may not have committed?


What are your thoughts on taking a life as retribution for a crime, and can it ever be justified in your eyes?


Should the potential for wrongful convictions affect our stance on the death penalty, and why?


If you were in a position to decide, would you seek to implement the death penalty as a part of your justice system, and what would guide your decision?


In your opinion, does the death penalty serve a moral or practical purpose in modern society?


Can you imagine a crime so heinous that you believe a death penalty would be the rightful punishment, or do you think a different form of justice would be more appropriate?


How might the existence or absence of the death penalty impact the way society views the value of human life?


How do you reconcile the finality of the death penalty with the possibility of rehabilitation or change in a person?


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