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100 Replies

 @B3QJ8SSanswered…6 days6D

i think there needs something to be put in place to prevent fake news and/or misinformation but i dont think it should just be the government. i think social media sites should also do their own regulation.


Yes, but the bodies running the regulations also need to be closely monitored to maintain neutrality.


Yes but researchers and scientists (political, historical, data, sociological) should be the people determining what is fact or not. Journalism is still incredibly important. We should limit misinformation with instead fact checkers from peer reviewed sources THEN opinions should be outlined as such.


Yes, but give regulation control to a department that is independent of government and implement measures to ensure its impartiality.


Yes and no, the social media sites should not be spreading fake news and misinformation, however, policies need to be in place to ensure the government is not using that to spread propaganda and keep citizens in the dark about what is actually going on.


No, but there should be a fact-checking system separate from both the government and the site to prevent government control

 @B35ZRRC answered…3wks3W

Yes, but false information should be flagged, not hidden, with references/links to peer reviewed information and programs to increase information literacy.


Media companies should be required to report accurate and true information, without the drama and clickbait headlines. Any outlet that is deemed to go against the best interest of the people and or publishes overly dramatized headlines and information should see fines that correspond.


No but they should regulate news corporations who write blatant misinformation and end the Murdoch monopoly


Yes, but give regulation control to an independent body that cannot be tampered with by the government.

 @B2FTPK3 answered…2mos2MO

Yes, to an extent. Repeat offenders of spreading deliberately incorrect information should be liable to punishment for something in a similar vein to defamation.


Yes, but give the duty to a body independent of the government, and make it an offense for any member of government to try and influence this body.


The government needs to worry more about videos and photos of people dying on social media that are traumatic, not fake news…


Yes and they should be organised into a single state corporation to improve efficiency and reduce leftist misinformation


Should not regulate, but some misinformation are too serious which an action from the official should be taken.


Government shouldn't regulate, but they do need the power to go after & shut down fake news & misinformation.


They should reuglate social media sites, but not as a means to prevent fake news and misinformation. They should be monitored for illegal activity.


Provide a service which can debunk and fact-check claims and require social media sites to take down posts pending an investigation.


There should be a regulation on fake news and misinformation, but only if the government is trustworthy, which is rare.


Both public and private involvement to regulate this is necessary to increase likelihood of fair and reasonable regulation over either sides political alignment


This is a complex question. Farm trolls and deliberate misinformation need to be dealt with. Perhaps it should be a condition of social media platforms operating that they strenuously moderate their sites?


No, though the algorithm that continually feeds the same content (click bait) should be banned, so users are exposed to all information not just one that feeds the same narrative (bias)


The government should make it illegal for social media companies to remove news that the company doesn’t agree with only removing illegal activity


There should be legislation that holds social media companies accountable if harmful misinformation is spread


No, but they should put in place something to make sure that the social media companies make sure there is no fake news


Social media should be regulated the same as television, radio and advertising. Anything blatantly false or defamatory should be removed and the platform should be fined


Yes, but the government should have an external independent organisation regulate and prevent fake news and misinformation.

 @92DKHTJLiberal Democratanswered…3yrs3Y

No, the government should not determine what is fake or real news & No, social media companies are private and should not be regulated by the government.


Web platforms should be required to fact check and declare results for any high reach content.


No, but social media companies should be monitored by social conscience.


No, the government should not determine what is fake or real news but an independant body should be set up to regulate social media sites and fake news/misinformation.


Yes, but only if the government is completely honest about the news that is being spread, and not use the regulations to support any propaganda.



I think it would be micro managing for the government to have control over everything we are viewing. Let people decide for themselves by giving them the information.





The government can't determine what is fake or real, as it could be used for their political agenda. But hate speech should be regulated.



It's impossible to truly do this; any implementable system to censor the internet beyond what measures are already in place would be far too authoritarian and an egregious offence to the rights of citizens.


Yes, but an independent body needs to be responsible for regulating and defining 'fake news'.


No, introduce a 1st admendmant type law which only limits a private institutions ability to restrict free speech


a third organisation should be regulating social media to prevent fake news and misinformation.


Difficult question as the media will scream about freedom of speech. However, this sector can have devastating impact on people’s lives. We definitely don’t want a Trump here in Australia. So possible some regulation is required with the ability for the Government to shut them down if breaches occur.

 @8W2CSWBUnited Australiaanswered…3yrs3Y

The problem with this question is who fact checks the fact checkers? Who funds these companies because that's where the current problem lies within social media fact checking



No, but it should be regulated through independent, non-partisan third parties


Yes, as long as the information is political and deemed false and potentially dangerous

 @8TMB9YWLiberal Democratanswered…4yrs4Y

Social media companies should be regulated, it’s not the government’s job to regulate their content.


Yes, but only to prevent their terms of service being selectively or arbitrarily enforced


Yes and they should also monitor the news put on the TV and actively abolish political biases like the Murdoch press's bias towards the Liberal Party


No, the government should not determine what is fake or real news. Social media companies also should not determine what is fake or real news.


No, but social media sites and all news outlets should be regulated by an NGO



Government action should only be taken if the fake news or misinformation in question is becoming influential across a significant majority. Often, fake news is debunked online quickly by audiences anyway, so mass government intervention is unnecessary.


these processes need to be in place, but they should be undertaken by an independent organization.


Yes, but the government should make companies liable to self-regulation



No, because the controlling government could use it to push out opposition truths


Yes, however, the government should hire an independent group to do the regulating so that political interference is not involved.


Yes, social media needs to be screened for fake news, however this would need to be carried out by an external agency or body that has no political ties, the same way the judicial system is separated from government


Yes, social media companies are politically biased and need to be regulated, however the same applies for government-backed institutions


Yet again, not a black v white question. So not regulation, but yes to legislation


yes and no, there is certainly lots of fake news out there but this could be used as a way for governments to over regulate and control their citizens through social media


How about the government just let social media companies run their social media. If there is fake news, it will be known by the general public because we talk.


No, there should be regulation, but not from the government as politicians are not independent, and too much of the misinformation online is politically motivated


Probably not because I feel like that should be the responsibility of the social media companies



No, however the social media companies should regulate their sites to prevent fake news and misinformation.


No, but social media sites should have incentives to regulate their platform in an unbiased manner.


Social media companies should be legally required to regulate their own platforms to prevent fake news and misinformation.


I can't trust the government to regulate social media, there is too high a chance they censor left wing news and views.



No, to protect free speech, but teach people about what is fake and real.




No, the government needs to spend more on getting out the factual message


I think it should be regulated but not just over fake news, bullying & hate speech seems to be a more important target. There should also be age restrictions in place as so much of these issues seem to stem from teenager - young adult age groups


More regulation needs to be done on the internet as a whole, we could look at utilising technology to create an AI that is able to verify information, references, sources et certra and provide a score on the validity of the website, article, information et cetra so people could make more informed decisions.


No the government should improve education levels and promote positive reporting of news by media outlets



People shouldnt be gullible nimrods. There is not one unbiased news program in Australia making it impossible to get balanced views like myself


Neither I don’t trust social media or believe all the information the government provides us is correct


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