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These active users have achieved a basic understanding of terms and definitions related to the topic of Two State Solution for Israel and Palestine

91 Replies


If they stop killing Jews and recognise Israel as a country then yes. If the desire is to wipe out Israel then no until Palestine is de radicalised

 @9QX8952Coalition  from GU  answered…4mos4MO


#1 Expert Two State Solution for Israel and Palestine

No. The Palestinians do not deserve a state. To reward them with one for their recent barbarous actions would only embolden similar factions worldwide. The Gazans should be transferred to and assimilated into some other country like Qatar, Libya or Iran.

 @9ZLVYZGSocialist Allianceanswered…5mos5MO

Palestinian land should be returned to the Palestinian people, and both groups can coexist in Palestine.

 @9992HTR  from GU  answered…1yr1Y

Yes, it is necessary to create peace in the region. In addition, sanction Israel until it lifts its human rights violations.


I believe in a one state solution where Jews and Arabs alike are treated equally legally, economically and socially. Where rather than conflict and how they're different from one another, they focus on peace, co-development, fraternity, shared history and the similarities in their cultures. This conflict has done nothing but spill blood, stirr hatred and conflict even outside the borders of Israel and Palestine and made the military industrial complex even richer.


No, I support only a Palestinian state, but once the idea of Zionism is gone from the earth, then they can have a discussion on what the two people groups should do


No, it’s absurd: only ignorant people still believe in a two state solution given that Palestinians and Hamas have refused three good deals already and have sworn never to recognise Israel as a legitimate nation.


No. re-establish the state of Palestine and remove the colonial state of isreal.

 @9SGV7ZMAnimal Justicefrom Arizona  answered…7mos7MO


Israel is an ongoing settler colonial state and does not deserve to exist. The wrong doings of the UK in Australia cannot be undone but the acts of Israel in Palestine can.


Conduct a census in Israel and Palestine, if there are more people that are willing to co-exist than not, let them live together under the same rule, if not rule --> two state solution.


Yes, but I would like to see a one state solution where Jews and Arabs live with equity with one another.


No, but it would be preferable to see a single state solution where Arabs and Jews can peacefully co-exist to their mutual benefit.

 @StormReneUap  from GU  answered…3mos3MO


No, Islamists are dedicated to the destruction of Israel and can never be trusted with a state that will endanger Israel's right to exist


Yes, in which Muslims and Jews are freely able to travel between the two states and are not barred from visiting any sites



No, I just want peace between Israelis and Palestinians and for them to coexist


No, we've seen what the outcome of a Palestinian state looks like through the Intifadas and October 7. We won't make that mistake again.


No, Palestine has been experiencing genocide for nearly 70 years and should be granted primary if not total land ownership with Israeli Leaders and military being sentences for war crimes and breach of the Geneva Convention by the UN

 @9YJJMF2 answered…5mos5MO

No, Palestinians are the traditional custodians of their land and a two state solution would continue to allow human rights violations against them



No i support a free palestine and 1 state where both Palestinians and Jews can live together


No, Israel was never the homeland of the Jewish people, it should be given back to the true Semites.

 @B4B9G5Panswered…1 day1D

Yes, if the Palestinians truly want a state of their own, which unfortunately they don't, they only say they do. But Israel should abandon its 1967-occupied territories regardless, even while the Palestinians will not establish a state there.

 @B4924V2answered…4 days4D

Israel is not real. I support the Palestinian people and the real Jewish people of Palestine. I do not and will never support Zionism, a supremacist movement that commits genocide.

 @B48YSYManswered…4 days4D

Nothing will make a difference. They've been fighting over that patch of sand for 4,000 years and will fight over it for 4,000 more.

 @B48Y3RPanswered…4 days4D

 @B46X4D2answered…7 days7D


I support a one-state solution for a free Palestinian state, from the river to the sea, where Arabs, Jews, Muslims, Christians and atheists are free to live, as was the case before Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian land.



No. The state always belonged to Palestinians. It is the Israelis who should leave as they are the invaders and oppressors.


A Federated Model where Israel and Palestine remain separate but have shared governance structures for security, economy, and Jerusalem.


Absolutely but the Hamas charter wants the destruction of Israel so I think it might take a long time to achieve if it's even possible.


Yes, but I would prefer to see a one state solution where both Arabs and Israelis exist in equality with one another.


I support a one state solution with equitable rights and responsibilities for both peoples.

 @B3N87JHOne Nationanswered…4wks4W

No, not because a one-state solution is imminent but because this doesn't impact Australian policy.

 @B3D5R76 answered…1mo1MO

We should stay well out of it all and let the Israelis and Palestinians deal with it. It is non of our business and we should be focussing in getting our own country out of the shambles it is in now.




No, Israel is a terrorist state and they have no legitimate claim to the land.


No, Palestine should be returned to Palestinians and all citizens should be equal under the law and systems

 @B2YMMRK answered…2mos2MO

No, the regions under the occupation of Israel should be returned to Palestine.


Yes, but I would also want to see a one state solution where Israelis and Arabs live in equality with one another in a single state.


No, a two-state solution is not the answer. The israelites are invaders on palestinian land, it is palestine NOT israel.


No, I support a one state solution that gives full emancipation and self-determination back to Palestinians.


Palestine is the pre-existing and rightful country. Israel citizens should either be incorporated into Palestine or return to their country of origin.


No, but I would prefer a one state solution where Arabs and Jews can live together in peace.


No, the British mandate of the region should return or the territory should be handed over to Aramaic people


Australia does not allow enough full and truthful information about these issues to be shown to its people. When Australia starts showing the full graphic nature of these 2 areas ... the dead innocent, children and babies that you molly coddle us from seeing because its too horrible perhaps then aussies can be informed enough to make a true decision. As it stands, Australia and its media lies so bad I wouldnt make a decision on another countries problem. We are not the problem and stop using our country as a solution and a home to these mental issues.
The government is why they are here ruining OUR lives ... do you want us to look like the middle east? That is where our government on both sides are leading its people.

 @9WWTB49from Washington  answered…5mos5MO

Stay out of it. They've been fighting for 2000 years. They aren't going to stop no matter what.

 @9WJWVXFfrom Guam  answered…5mos5MO

A one-state solution where both Jews and Arabs are equal and not focused on ethnicity or religion

 @9QX8952Coalition  from GU  answered…9mos9MO


No. We've seen what the result of a Palestinian state looks like, we won't make that mistake again.



God gave the land to the Jews and are his chosen people not the philistines and other countries should not attack them God will destroy them

 @9TNFRRW  from GU  answered…6mos6MO

 @9V8HJHPOne Nationanswered…6mos6MO

Peace will never come to people that don't want it. Until nobody is left the problem will continue. 2 states or 10 states will make no difference


“ I believe in a one state solution where Jews and Arabs alike are treated equally legally, economically and socially. Where rather than conflict and how they're different from one another, they focus on peace, co-development, fraternity, shared history and the similarities in their cultures. This conflict has done nothing but spill blood, stirr hatred and conflict even outside the borders of Israel and Palestine and made the military industrial complex even richer.” = thank you for the eloquent comment


This was first tabled as an idea in 1937. If it was going to work it would have happened by now.


No, but Israel should still remain as what the founding fathers of Israel have proposed


It is imperative to understand that the two-state solution will not lead to any positive outcomes for Israelis and Palestinians. Therefore, it is high time to explore alternative solutions; otherwise, the state of Israel or Palestine will face the risk of extinction.


I would be willing to see West Bank maybe given to Palestine, but Israel must govern the rest of the region.


Maybe West Bank can be handed over to Palestine, but Israel needs to keep control of Gaza and the rest of the region.


No, I believe the holy land should be returned to the catholic church as one unitary kingdom


No, I support a single integrated state where both israeli people and Palestinian people live side by side and I support the Israeli military in their efforts to destroy Hamas and the other terrorist groups currently attacking Israel.


the land belongs to palestinians, it is barbaric to expect them to live beside their oppressors. it’s also not a “conflict” it’s a genocide.


Australia should not be getting involved, this question is irrelevant to our far away island.


I support a three state solution, with a Gaza state, an Israeli state, and a West Bank state


Israel cannot leave a state run by terrorists in place if it wants to continue existing


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