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 @4ZYP8SWLiberalfrom New South Wales  answered…4yrs4Y

 @4ZQXCQFfrom Western Australia  answered…4yrs4Y

 @4ZC6RXQGreenfrom Victoria  answered…4yrs4Y

The biggest killer of citizens with weapons are governments. Guns have a place however I question the need for rapid fire weapons... I am a sporting shooter!


instead of completely banning, have more intense restrictions and make it harder to gain a licence for this specific gun.

 @4Z93XY7Liberalfrom South Australia  answered…4yrs4Y


No, but ensuring appropriate checks are done and regular auditing of weapons of this kind should be implemented


no but they should only be used on farms or ranges not in public spaces and people must have a license specialised to the shotgun


Yes, except if the importer and the person owning this firearm has a legitimet reason.

 @B3MLH2Kanswered…5 days5D

All Gus can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Guns need to be regulated and owners should be subjected to psychological tests and have valid reason for owning and have policies and procedures for keeping.


Should farmers etc find this type of gun useful, they should be able to apply for it. Approval to own such a gun should looked at on a case by case basis. If approved to own or handle such a gun it could be shown on their Gun License.


No, and re-legalise firearms use and adopt a 2nd Amendment like policy where the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

 @98SVK58from Hokkaido  answered…2yrs2Y

It shouldn't be banned but it should only be used in certain areas and the user must past strict requirements to own a gun.


Depends on where these guns are being imported for example if they are given to the military that would be okay.


probably, i’ve no knowledge or interest in firearms, so don’t feel i can make a fully informed decision


Gun laws should be stricter but farmers do need them to protect their stock unless we reduce fox numbers and stricter control on dogs.


Citizens should be allowed to own guns and carry a license, however, only stored in secured locations such as firing ranges with high security, and bullets purchased only from police departments or similar.


No, it poses no greater threat that a button or lever release shotgun which is already in circulation in Australia. It should fall under the same regulations, of only being available to c class licence holders, or those with an accessibility related issues


I don’t really know, but don’t think Guns are a good idea. What would be its purpose? If its not got a legitimate working purpose then no


Yes, but Australia should heavily increase civilian and military weapons production, veterans and their descendants should be allowed to keep their military weapons and gun restrictions should be lowered


No, but I believe the gun laws should be reevaluated and enforced to ensure all gun users have the correct firearms licenses and understand the laws.


No, but there should be a gun registrar and should be highly monitored for what is being used for IE - farming


The existing licencing should be amended for that mecanisim and rounds to D class restrict there use. To proffessional use only.


Yes but if should follow standard weapons procedures to ensure a person cannot commit violent acts with it.


No, as long as there is a comprehensive permit process in order to obtain the shotgun, and can only be obtained by certain people in very specific industries that find it necessary to possess this shotgun. If this is not possible to put in place, yes, the import of this weapon should be banned.


farmers should be allowed to carry firearms such as this but nobody without a set amount of land and no licence


This gun should be allowed back under certain circumstances and more complexed tests and other ways to make sure that the gun is not used in illegal ways as well as safer gun safes.


No, but to make it safe for the public guns such as Adler A110 lever-action shotgun can be bought if people complete background tests and checks.


No, banning increases risk of crime and misuse, but implement regulations, safety checks and added licensing


The repairs should available mass shootings national firearms agreed as said government feedback admins


it should only be accessible to high authority personnel with at least 5 years with a gun license, and must have no criminal record


Ensure that each person who will be using the gun to require a gun license, as well as running background checks on who they are and why they will require the use of this gun.


no as long as there are very strict rules for them and that they can only be accessed by those with authority to do so, and only used when needed


Yes, but there should be a limit and security regulations concerning other guns being transported e.g. monitoring the ones that go in the country


Yes, but only to people that don’t have a licence and a real reason to own it. If the owner has a licence and is legally allowed to own it, they should be able to keep it (e.g: people from military and police officers)


It depends whether its a gun used for hunting. If so There are still other guns that are better for it so overrall i dont see a reason to why.

 @9K8TZN2New Liberalanswered…1yr1Y

No, I would rather see a program to make all 16 - 20yos gun literate and on that basis as well as national defence a limited acceptable list of guns be identified and all else banned.


Only if the import is handled by trustworthy people who pose no risk to harming the country by a mass shooting.


We should allow firearms as long as people are licensed to use them for hunting, sport or self defense.


yes, as long as you have your gun licence and you are not going to be doing mass shooting or being irresponsible


No, and alter the national firearms agreement to allow for less restrictions on types of firearms for sport. Also put in place specific amendments for non lethal firearms such as air soft and BB guns which have legitimate uses but are banned from the national blanket ban on firearms.


not completely but for farmers with no criminal record and who have a gun License and no major mental health conditions as there are existing fire arms and existing shotguns that have a faster fire rate and are more of a risk this specific weapon I can see a use in farming unlike the existing bullpump rifles and full auto weapons


The stance of the import of the Adler A110 lever-action shotgun should be allowed but its distribution should not be for civilian use with exemption from farmers and other agricultural workers in that field who may need a firearm to protect livestock/produce.


This firearm poses no more of a threat than other legalised shotguns, weaker or simpler firearms do not matter if the user is more proficient, experienced and/or resourceful. I firmly believe that the Adler A-110 lever action shotgun should only be used for animal hunting/eradication purposes as it is effective for extermination on private land against invasive fauna that are destructive to the Australian Ecosystem.


No, maintain checks and balances to make sure the individual purchasing it has legitimate reasons to do so.


I think that it should be heavily restricted but should still be aloud to very trusted individuals or businesses


Yes unless the recipient of the firearm is trusted, licensed and has no prior record of violence or mental health issues

 @9D4349KLiberal Nationalanswered…2yrs2Y

there should be a licencing for people to use them for a good reason, like on farms


No, and completely revoke the firearms ban along with legalising even full auto firearms, adopt a 2nd Amendment-like policy, the right to keep and bear arms must never be infringed.


No, we should reverse the firearms ban, and adopt a policy akin to the wording of the 2nd Amendment. The right to keep and bear arms should never be infringed upon.


As long as people are storing them safely and there’s education on proper practices, I don’t care one way or the other

 @966W6K9One Nationanswered…2yrs2Y

No, as long as everyone is checked before purchasing a gun. With no criminal history and no mental health issues.


Firearms of all types should be heavily regulated but properly vetted and licensed people should be able to buy a variety of firearms

 @B35C6BYOne Nationanswered…3wks3W

I reckon guns should only be owned by police officers, swat teams, etc. So pretty much just people who work in forces or whatever, and that actually need the gun. This is because if random people just own guns, populations would go down because of some unnecessary murders, and I am sure there would be lots of other problems along with all the deaths.


farmers have other guns they can use but this gun is effective for mass shootings but also what is to stop them from using another gun


No, criminals can always get guns. Even sometimes heavier variants like fully-automatic 5.56/7.62 weapons or RPG-7 launchers and similar explosives


Yes but with mental health checks frequently and only if you have a certified licence and for the military.


No, however, if someone buys an Adler A110 Lever-Action Shotgun, their criminal records should be checked, before permitted. They should be allowed to handle, and carry one, only for self defence.


No, but the gun should only be allowed to be used for commercial hunting licence holders.


Yes it should be banned, there is no real need for it (farmers that defend their land against foxes and other pests can use rifles if they have to)


The government should ban access to this weapon to the public, but only allow this for politics.


For only hunting purposes, and create different licenses that are hard to obtain.


Not unless mass shootings have happened or begin to happen involving this gun that either wouldn't have happened or would have been less severe without it.

In general, I'm very in favour of our tight gun laws. If anything, less police should constantly carry firearms too.

 @98LDNWJfrom Massachusetts  answered…2yrs2Y



They should only be using guns for war or any threats against our country but the use of guns shouldn't be used for public.


Yes, but allow farmers the choice to own one if they’re dealing with pests as it is their right to protect their crops/ livestock.


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