Try the political quiz

23 Replies


No. We may not agree with a result, but we shouldn't arbitrarily try to influence elections, only the institutions that are elected.


No. Whilst we could incentivize choosing a certain candidate, we should not make any outward attempt at influencing an election.


No, whilst it may not result in outcomes we approve of, we should only respond to any outcomes they produce, not the introductions.


No, we shouldn't tamper in foreign elections, even if an outcome is achievable and beneficial to us.

 @9SSM8PBfrom Guam  answered…6mos6MO

with New Zealand and Fijian people and other Maui islands that are small and close to Australia should be able to


No, that's called imperialism. And for being the so-called "leader of the free world", they've been very supportive of right-wing dictators getting into power through us-backed coup d'etats like in Iran in 1953, Chile in 1973 and like they attempted in Cuba in the bay of Pigs invasion, among too many to list individually.


Yes, to support a stable relationship with our country we should try to promote pro-Australian governments.


Only diplomatically, I think we should be free to publicly express our stance on Human Rights or the effectiveness of the process, anything beyond this is subversion and should be criminal.


Yes, however only to act for the country’s benefit rather than the interests of our own


No, we should be working more on preventing influence from other countries governments



No, Only citizens of the country having an election should have a say in that countries election


 @8YNFLDQSocialist Allianceanswered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but only when it serves in the interest of Australia and attempts to bring country into closer relations with Australia



Yes, but only to protect countries from human rights violations unless it tampers with the fair voting process of another country


Yes, but only to protect democracy, human rights and our national security. Not for monetary gain or to tamper with a fair voting process.

 @B3BKXMY answered…1wk1W

No, nations should not influence another nations. Only the UN should be able to do so, only to protect a country from a tyrannical ruler


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