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57 Replies


Socially oppressive statements from representatives and policies that vilify minorities with little factual support.



 @9VDXTQRGreen answered…2mos2MO

racist, divisive, and limited genuine policies. Lack of compassion for people are disadvantaged and tendency to blame victims as being responsible for their own hardship.

 @9VC8S4FJacquie Lambie Networkanswered…2mos2MO

Most of the candidates have all the same morals and don't differ that much.


As they a bunch of racist people who do not know how to run a government and just use stupid culture wars to win votes. Pauline Hanson is no better then the people that she makes fun of in her cartoons.





Corruption overhanging with trading while insolvent, history with Campbell Newman and the LNP consistently cutting critical services and funding, mass layoffs, cuts for the big businesses and mines, just to name a couple


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