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Yes but we have to understand the countries and keep good relations.


They're hand in hand. Prioritising both and integrating each as an aspect of positive policy making will reap localised rewards.


Yes, because a country has a far greater moral obligation towards its own citizens (as they are the ones who are the backbone of any society) than the obligation to other nations


Most of the time global cooperation isn't in the best interest of everyone involved, and a country's government is meant to protect its citizens.

 @9LCBDZDLaborfrom Guam answered…4mos4MO

Prioritising its own citizens can both be seen as a virtue of community and identity, fostering a greater patriotism for one's own nation, as well as a sin of pride.

 @9LBGJTNLiberal Democratanswered…4mos4MO

Yes a country must prioritise its citizens and taxpayers over other countries and work to improve its own well-being.


Most of the time global cooperation isn't in the best interest of everyone involved, and a country's government is meant to protect its citizens.


Yes and no, it is important to take in other countries perspective, collaborate with each other towards peace and safety


Yes because the citizens want to live in a safe environment and not be threatened or feel the need to leave the country.



Yes, because we are the ones that keep the country we live in moving forward. The saying goes clean your house first then you can help others.

 @9L2WWWT answered…4mos4MO

Yes, a government's first responsibility is its people, not the whole world.


I think it's important that a country priortises the wellbeing of its own citizens well being over global cooperation. I don't think a country is able to provide good global cooperation if its citizens are struggling. I'm not saying a country has to be perfect to cooperate globally, I'm just saying it's best if its stable

 @9JTNGP4Liberal answered…6mos6MO

Difficult question. Global cooperation is more important in the long term for our benefit as citizens



Situational. Nationalism can be a good thing (internalised focus in social issues) and a bad thing (ultranationalist ideologies - Naziism)

 @9KDBZT7Liberal answered…5mos5MO

Yes because the citizens of a country are what drives it. So if they aren’t looked after to a sufficient standard then the country fails.


Partly, but their is no excuse for a government to do both. Sovereign states have a responsibility to protect both.

 @9L3RM5BSocialist Allianceanswered…4mos4MO

Nationalism normally leads to isolation and discrimination, we shouldn't allow for an more priority on globalisation but we also shouldn't allow more isolation. If we want to be equal we have to do that globally.

 @9KZ3M4VLiberal Democratanswered…4mos4MO

Yes, look out for number one first and foremost. Look after the people you're meant to be leading and they will be much more likely to want to do more for the country. Much less likely to feel let down by a government that seems to put the wealthy before looking out for other countries which mostly benefits the rich and people in power. The benefits of of helping global corporations doesn't help the people who keep this country running enough to justify it.


The government must always prioritise their own citizens over those of foreign nationals. The government is a represenative body of the people from the nation that it governs. Due to this the government derives its power from the people and must serve first-and-foremost the people it serves. However, this duty is compatible with global cooperation. Global cooperation strengthens the nation, such examples as free-trade and globalisation are notable examples.



religion should be learned about as a way of gaining global understanding of diversity, culture, values, etc. It should be learned objectively and neutrally to avoid any bias between teachers or schools and not effect any student, but rather just understanding the ways of a culture or time period, including history and historical matters, and the impact of religion before, during, and after these time periods. People should be educated about all religions, including atheism, agnosticism, etc.

 @9KLKY46Coalitionfrom West Virginia answered…5mos5MO

Yes and no, though it's population is important, so is the relationship between other nations.


Yes, at this point in time the government of countries have a responsibility to its own citizens. Aid and a aim towards global cooperation should the status quo, however, citizens come first.


No, the wellbeing of humanity is the goal however global cooperation is not always what achieves this as only some benefit from the growth and it becomes unstable and unfair very quicky.


I believe that while a country’s government should be fair on all opinions of other country’s, the people living in that governments country should be their main priority.


I think it is important for nations to deal with domestic affairs but that doesn't mean that they should turn away from international affairs.


Yes because I believe that the citizens matter much more than the cooperation's and that the government main goal should always be the civilians


It is very important for a country to prioritise its own citizens' wellbeing over a global coorperation, because if it does not do so, it basically acts as a puppet state for another country.


Massively, a countries priorities should lay with the people and their interests over foreign countries that have none to little relation


As someone who has dual citizenship, I don't particularly care about my own nationalism towards my countries. When nationalism is important to people, I find that it makes it more difficult to accept others from different cultures, leading to more of a divide between people. Nationalism also creates the idea of a singular identity, and when someone doesn't fit into that identity, even if they were born in that country, they are likely to get discriminated against.

 @9KBCPY2One Nationanswered…5mos5MO

A country should always looks after it’s own first and only should we become in other countries affairs if it effects us each country has their own beliefs and life styles no one should have the right to tell someone else how to live


Yes, if you cannot look after your own people, how are you supposed to look after anyone else


Yes, because Australia's interests often conflict with those of other nations in ways that can't be resolved.


Global cooperation can often lead to exploitation of certain citizens, for example Open Door Policy in China. I believe it should be a governments priority to serve its citizens.


Overall yes, the government should prioritize its own citizens wellbeing, over the global cooperation. As, without a countries support behind the government these big decisions relating to global cooperation will further damage Australias view on the government.


National makes sense seeings as a country's citizens are the ones funding it through tax but nation can go too far if it cuts of the nation from the rest of the world in social matters such as aid and immergration

 @9KHJ6YZLabor answered…5mos5MO

Not necessarily, however i do think that in most situations it would be beneficial to favor the citizens of ones nation than the worldwide population.

 @9KF8ZWFLiberal answered…5mos5MO

I am in full favour of supporting the nations interest rather than global cooperation. Not because I am patriotic (I'm not really) but because we need to focus on ourselves and our independence as an economy rather than outsourcing or bartering with other countries.


We should be catering to the people living in the country not people in other countries


To a certain extent yes it is important because while global cooperation is important, a country cannot prioritise global cooperation unless their citizens wellbeing have been managed effectively and they don’t need anymore support

 @9K6LHDTLabor answered…5mos5MO

A country/government should have its' citizens best interests at the centre of its political decisions. Most likely, these decisions made by democratic governments should align with the intent to promote global cooperation. This will ensure world order is maintained whilst reducing nationalist, exclusionary mentalities.


they should prioritise their own citizens, as other governments arent prioritising them either.

 @9K2VMDBOne Nationanswered…5mos5MO

We have to stand for moral values and freedoms, people forced to take a vaccine just to keep their job? Horrible.


a bit of both. if we just focus on our country, then we can't come together in the earth to fight problems.


I think it's important to be able to prioritise both. Australia is nothing without it's citizens, and it is weak without global cooperation. We have a lot of issues internally that do need a lot of attention. But at the same time, building global relations and maintaining that will provide opportunities and break down social walls in some ways. Neither should be prioritised, both should be catered to.


It depends on things, I am not a highly nationalistic person, but a State should focus on those who live within their borders while cooperating with other nations at the same time.

 @9K6CXSS answered…5mos5MO

I believe that national issues should be given priority over international issues. However, if severe, the wellbeing of those in need internationally should be taken into heavy consideration.


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