Try the political quiz

10 Replies


Recall an encounter with law enforcement or the justice system; did it change how you view authority and rules in society?


How does the availability of digital infrastructure, like internet access, in your area affect your day-to-day life and opportunities?


Think about the last time national security was a topic of conversation; what personal concerns did you bring to that discussion?


Can you share a story about when workplace or labor laws directly affected you or someone close to you?


What personal experiences have led you to value either individual liberties or community welfare more highly?


How would you prioritize funding in your area – more public services or tax cuts – and what's your reasoning?


Reflect on a time when you've felt the impact of immigration policy in your life; how did it shape your viewpoint?


When thinking about health care, what's more important to you, access or quality, and why?


What's one change you'd like to see in your local education system that you believe would benefit students' futures?


How do you feel about balancing economic growth with environmental protection in your own community?


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