It is the upper chamber of the legislative branch in a bicameral system, responsible for making laws, confirming or rejecting presidential appointments, and providing oversight of the executive branch.
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If I knew who I wanted to vote for I wouldn't be here.
Need to do some more research
@92ZD89XLiberal Democrat3yrs3Y
Any candidate from a freedom party.
Lack of decent people to vote for
Neither for or against. I don't have enough knowledge to make a decision
Ive never heard any of these names before
These are not candidates in my region
Haven't heard of these people.
Lack knowledge to determine answer
Who are any of these people?
I hate all politicians equally
Yolanda Vega for the senate (Reason).
This question is irrelevant
We shouldn’t have compulsory voting
Lidia Thorpe or Bridget McKenzie
@92HQSKQOne Nation3yrs3Y
Mark Dreyfus, King of Frankston
@92CLG3TOne Nation3yrs3Y
Out of the candidates above to choose from there is not one that I could vote for nor did they represent me
Silly question. Should be removed.
Whoever the labor representative is.
Havent heard of one of em
This question is not clear on party affiliations and people unfamiliar with the candidates will be unable to choose based on their name alone
I would need to research the candidates before I voted for one.
This question is no longer relevant and should be removed
Maybe they should make themselves be known first
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