Should Australia transition to a four-day workweek?
Countries including Ireland, Scotland, Japan, and Sweden are experimenting with a four-day workweek, which requires employers to provide overtime pay to employees working more than 32 hours per week.
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@9M2VQ85One Nation7mos7MO
This country is getting lazier as it is and such a move would put our country into an even lazier position relative to our other international competitors. Some people also tend to forget that working upskills a person in other areas, making them more employable. While even I would appreciate a four day work week for myself, I understand that as an economy this is not sustainable and would put us behind.
This should be up to individual companies
Yes, but it would depend on the job that you do
Yes, but keep the income the same as a five day work week.
It should be up to both individuals and corporate entities to negotiate with each other how many hours, how many days, rate of pay and other benefits.
The transition should occur in some industries but not others.
Australia should increase flexibility of working hours, including work from home opportunities.
Yes if it's the same pay
If the same amount of work can be completed in 4 days
Yes if wages stay the same
No, but should consider work flexibility in the National Employment Standards
Yes, with little impact on wages
Private business can offer this to staff if they wish
yes but get the same wages
This could never be universally applied.
Yes, change to 4 x 10hr days
Yes so longs as wages don't drop
Depends on how many hours are worked daily.
@92GPRY8One Nation3yrs3Y
Yes but without a drop in wages
Not as default, but increase flexible working arrangements wherever possible
Yes but I think it should be encouraged by the employer and decided by them. To encourage better work life balance. Not as a standard rule or law.
Yes, as long as extra pay is given on Friday.
@92DKHTJLiberal Democrat3yrs3Y
We would Only Achieve that by the Free-Market.
@8Z28WVBOne Nation3yrs3Y
Yes to give other a chance of work but not a reduction of wages
No, but we should transition to a 6 hour working day
@8YLV9KWOne Nation3yrs3Y
Yes only if you don't loose money
Yes if they work 10 hour days
No, transition to a 6 hour work day
Yes if applied fairly to all. Currently this only helps white collar employees and disregards sectors such as retail, emergency services, hospitality and logistics
Yes, work life balance should be a higher priority
Yes, but this should be up to organisations and not the Government
@9CCF8CVOne Nation1yr1Y
If we get the same wages
depending on the industry this could be done or not
Yes but get the same wages
Let private business decide
Flexibility rather than mandate
People should be allowed to work as much or as little as they like. People who reach 60 years of age should not be limited to working 10 hours a week if they want to access their super.
Yes, but only if the employee requests and is approved by employer/government
yes, only if families and individuals are able to support themselves
Should be possible and accepted as valid at all work places for people to choose
Yes, of 30 hours. The fifth should be a day of paid political participation, allowing citizens the time to continuously partake in the democratic process.
only if no loss of wages
Only if Basic pay is raised substantially
Yes, this will increase productivity and worker happiness.
Only if the wages don't drop and penalty rates to casual workers open up.
No, and how are THOSE countries economies doing, hmm?
Yes, however completing longer hours to still complete full time hours each week
Yes if it doesn't impact the economy
This decision should be made by private companies.
It should depend on the location and working type
Up to private businesses to decide
If a full time contracted worker worked 38 hours in a week they should be able to work 38 hours across the 7 days how they please
Only when it makes sense
@8ZKYX3ROne Nation3yrs3Y
Flexi hours and working from home would be better
No, 4-day work week does not benefit healthcare workers, police, and emergency services, who often have shift work.
No, it should be at the discretion of the company and its employees to decide.
Yes, if the minimum wage is increased to keep up with the inflated cost of living.
Yes, but should be mandated my companies and maintain a 38 hour work week with people taking 3 days break at staggered times
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