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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y



A vaccinated Australia means for efficiency in all we do. We don’t want to be set back by people who could potentially catch this virus and spread it around. Another lockdown can shut down international trade with Australia, turning our country into anarchy


A vaccinated Australia means for efficiency in all we do. We don’t want to be set back by people who could potentially catch this virus and spread it around. Another lockdown can shut down international trade with Australia, turning our country into anarchy


The vaccine efficacy severely drops after a short amount of time making the vaccine effectiveness useless. Natural immunity will always Trump any artificial immunity. 1 in 800 people have been vaccine injured so why continue to push something that doesn't work.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y

No, I think businesses should require vaccination but not by government mandate


Are you willing to risk your family's health for that? If your child is unvaccinated because they are too young or have health defects prior are you ok with them dying because your coworker refused to get the vaccine.


Legislation to have business that don’t require vaccination for all their employees declare it for the safety of clients



Yes, but people who have religious beliefs that don't allow it should be excluded.

 @B2YSKCRGreenanswered…6 days6D

If there rates increase and another Pandemic occurs then I think for the safety of the vulnerable in our community mandate vaccines are appropriate.


Depending on the industry and the nature of their business proceedings. All healthcare, hospitality, food retail and education workers should be vaccinated against all common contagious diseases.


This is difficult as some people cannot get the vaccine, and it is important to acknowledge that some people cannot access it, and some have trauma around this. Education is the most important.


NO ONE should be forced medical treatments for employment. NO ONE!!! Government should not be making business the big bad daddy in this. It should be choice of the business owner and its employees, not the government to find tactics to coerce and enforce something you want but the people do not!!! You are looking for ways to cripple people who do not deserve it.
The same typical, government breaks your legs, gives you a wheelchair and tells you how lucky you are to have a wheelchair! It should be illegal for government to coerce by any means!!! Anyone government official who even suggests another company should be considered as a tool for coercion should be sacked for even thinking on treating its people as further guinea pigs.


A risk-based approach should be taken to the question of required vaccinations, as determined by the business.


No but they should sign a form about taking responsibility for potential harm caused to their peers.


No, getting vaccinated should be by choice not enforced, unless there is an outbreak in the business they work in.


Yes, it should be, however medical issues and religious beliefs and financial statuses should be respected


The government shouldn't mandate it, only businesses should as it is easier to manage within businesses. Its also a choice and even though it impacts certain people, forcing people to take it is not the best.


No, they should be vaccinated from other things but it should be opptional for them to get COVID vaccine.


Yes I believe employees of large business should be vaccinated from COVID but if people have a medical issue (with a provided medical certifficate) they can have an exemption from the vaccine.


Depending on how much interaction the business has with others, including people who have health risks


People should make their own choices on wether to get vaccinated for COVID - employers and the Government should have no say - there is mounting evidence that the vaccine did very little really and so the Government should focus on things that improve the country


 @92WC6H2Liberal Democratanswered…3yrs3Y

Vaccination should be a personal decision and no one should be victimised for not having or having any vaccination


No, nobody should be coerced into being vaccinated for their job/livelihood. We should be able to have body autonomy.


Especially now that Covid-19 has decreased the vaccine should not be mandatory as the vaccine has shown to have ever lasting problems on people, some of the problems are small whilst others are life-threatening. The goverment should not require the empolyees of large businesses to be vaccinated if they don't want to.


You should be able to choose if you want to get vaccinated rather than being fired for not wanting a vaccine that barely even works.


Yes, but only if they wish to, and if they deny the vaccination, they should be under cautioun from spreading the disease.


Employees should have, like their right to freedom of speech, the right in saying what goes into their body and what does not. As long as they are not a threat to those around them, they should not be vaccinated without it being their will.


I think it’s up to the individual but I think more research should be done on the disease itself before stamping of vaccination


No, I think everyone should require to be vaccinated irrespective of large / small businesses or unemployed.


Hire others that are vaccinated over others only if the merit of both individuals is similar (last priority)


Yes, unless they can provide a genuine reason supported by their doctor as to why they cannot get the vaccine.


You should be able to choose if you want to be vaccinated rather than being fired for not wanting a vaccine that barely even works.


people that can get vaccinated should but people who have serious health conditions shouldn't be required


Yes, only if the business is recognised as a facility which holds many jobs in one building or more.



Risk categories should be established to determine what industries should have mandatory vaccination like in nursing/medical.




Depends on the business and how often they interact with high risk people eg elderly/kids Age care yes Supermarket yes Warehousing no


no, it's a basic human right to decide what you put in your body and businesses shouldn't make it mandatory to be able to work there.


It should be required, however, unless medical requirements/ religious do not allow this


Yes, but only do not include those who have unique health problems concerning the side effects of vaccines.


Depends on the business and the intersection between employees and the common man



It should be encouraged, but people should not be exempt from a a workplace or a career if they do not vaccinate considering vaccinated people can carry and spread diseases all the same.



Depends on the businesses. Anything relating to vulnerable people and health care should be mandated.


I think vaccinations should be required but not if an individual cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons



The government shouldn't require anyone to be vaccinated if they don't wish to be! It's a personal choice, not a government decision! No one should be forced, large business or small business, general public etc.


I think our government should start over with Covid.

Do a documentary. One that takes extreme ownership of all the lies.

Explain the actual truths.

Only the. Will people truly be onboard.

After that everyone who isn’t crazy will get vaccinated.


No, vaccinations should be by personal choice for all businesses, and stay home if you are sick.


Who cares what others choose regarding their health? Equally it’s my view that those who don’t vaccinate themselves should be considered less of a priority in the health care system.


Yes, but only if the employee spends a large amount of time around people.


Depends on the business and conditions of. High risk people should have free access to vaccinations, including those with health risks and those who work in service industries, front line offices, health and health related services.


I think it should be encouraged but I also believe on having a choice, similar to a flu vaccine.


Yes, however in some cases with front-line workers(specifically nurses or doctors) must receive a COVID vaccination.



Yes, but only if the disease/virus is severe and fatal if caught for all demographics

 @9337XDLAnimal Justiceanswered…3yrs3Y

Yes it should be the employers choice but ONLY in a pandemic or high risk situations


Health organisations such as age care and hospitals should encourage vaccination other business and industry should be left to personal choice


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