The World Health Organization was founded in 1948 and is a specialized agency of the United Nations whose main objective is “the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.” The organization provides technical assistance to countries, sets international health standards and guidelines, and collects data on global health issues through the World Health Survey. The WHO has led global public health efforts including the development of an Ebola Vaccine and the near-eradication of polio and smallpox. The organization is run by a decision-making body composed…
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NO! WHO are a bunch of liars. Get out of all global meetings that are really only about controlling and making money off your populations.
Yes but also fund national and local programs.
@8XX9C7PFamily First3yrs3Y
Yes, but the World Health Organisation needs suitable accountability
No, it has been shown to be controlled by Chinese interests
No, the WHO has shown itself to be a criminal organisation.
Yes, but due to the corruption going on in the WHO relating to China and Taiwan, it should be decreased.
Yes, but they need to be have a regulatory power to achieve anything.
Yes, in theory but national and local healthcare needs funding more.
No, Australia should have no involvement with the United Nations.
To maintain good worldly relations I believe a portion of our funding should help poorer countries in an emergency crisis but our main focus is to clean up our own back yards first.
No, Start an Australian version of CDC.
No, the WHO has shown itself to be a criminal organization
No but I don’t think this is as simple as it sounds. They have no legal responsibilities or requirements to treat incidents in each country equally. For example with Covid, because China is a large investor, it became a conflict of interest to curb the Chinese economy by containing the virus.
Depends on its effectiveness
No they are corrupt and should be closed down
Yes as long as it’s continuing an equal world view for all
@8YW9DSJLiberal Democrat3yrs3Y
No, not until they recognise Taiwan as a country.
The who has proven to be a corrupt organisation and funding for overseas health initiatives should be directly controlled by our own bureaucracy to ensure we are truly assisting the needy in areas that can provide for themselves.
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