Try the political quiz

100 Replies


No, but the ads need to be entirely factual and not just a lame dig at other political parties.


No, it is up to the company themselves if they choose to prohibit political advertisements. Banning them outright could violate sections 7 and 28.


Yes, but only from third-parties. Officially licenced and regulated advertising from candidates is fine.


There should be no political advertising at all except for advertising a government policy website where all parties have identical format to outline policies and public can study and compare policies.


I lean towards agreeing with political advertising on social media because it can provide information and help clarify facts. However, I also believe it's important for people to think critically and not be manipulated by the content.


They should ensure even advertising between all candidates, regardless of individual advertising budgets.


Government should bring in TRUTH in political advertising (and PR) laws. Actually, government should bring in truth in all publishing/broadcasting laws for news and all types of advertising.


I don’t think they should be banned but I think there should be like disclaimers under these ads correcting any potential misinformation


Yes, but only from registered parties, social media is an important platform for political discourse


No, however political advertising on social media should conform to the rules of political advertising used elsewhere.


No, as long as they issue strict guidelines on what can be in said advertising and also ensure that they equally represent all parties.


Yes, and political advertising should be limited to facts and actual policies, no matter the medium.


Political advertising should be limited to facts and actual policies, no matter the medium.




No, but I think rules should be in place to stop social media companies using your meta data to target political messages.



Political advertising should be banned, however, social media plays a large role in communicating political issues to our younger generations


No, but apply restrictions to prevent misleading adverts and ensure equal visibility for all parties


No, But political advertising that lies to viewers should be banned and face punishment.



No, though better oversight of political advertising in general is needed


Paid political posts should be banned as it creates an unfair advantage.

 @92D3MCRSocialist Allianceanswered…3yrs3Y

No but there must be more monitoring of the spread of misleading or blatantly falsehoods


Only educational and non-biased advertising should be allowed, i.e. promoting voting enrolment and educational websites



No, but tighten rules regarding how political advertising is undertaken so as it comes only from the political group, not from a third party


Advertising should be limited to what that party intends to do, and any negative comments about other parties should not be allowed.


No, but all political advertising should be clearly stated as such at the start and end of the advert




No, but any advertising should be screened for falsities or fear mongering


Yes, but this is not a government policy issue, we have no authority to dictate what a foreign private business does


Yes if it is just childish slander but I would welcome political advertising if they actually took time and care to explain why they should be in a power role and what they'll do for the state and country.


No, but the amount spent should be available as well as why you are targeted in the advert.


Political advertising should be banned everywhere except for where politics are most relevant - at the voting ballots, in parliament, etc.


No I think they should increase, there isn’t enough easy to understand information for the regular Australian to become familiar with who they are voting for and why. Could be a problem for education?


No, but it must be accompanied by independent fact checking verification


Social media companies should ban targeted political advertising, they be informing people of what each party stands for.


No, but there should be more oversight from the AEC on truth in political advertising and increased penalties.


no, but social media companies need to provide more clarity around their algorithms


No but there should be a cap on how much parties can spend on advertising.


 @8XMNWT9Liberal Democratanswered…3yrs3Y

Yes. I don't agree with it, but I believe it's a private companies right to choose what content is on their platform.


No, but when it comes to forcing political opinions on others that's when it should be deleted.


Yes, it should be up to the people and to not be influenced by political advertising.



Give the person the option to choose whether they like to see this form of advertising


 @8TSLXF2Liberal Nationalanswered…4yrs4Y

Social media companies should not ban feedom of speech except racial hate speech. Social media platforms like farcebook are a disgrace!

 @8TSLXF2Liberal Nationalanswered…4yrs4Y

Social media companies should ban feedom of speech except racial hate speech. Social media platforms like farcebook are a disgrace!


Yes, but only for paid advertising and undisclosed promotion by the social media company.


No, instead they should be encouraged to advertise less known parties that are often looked down upon


Social media companies should ban advertising of far-right and Fascist parties.


Social media companies are too powerful and are censoring free speech. They should NOT be allowed to choose who advertises or who can't.


No, however it should be objectively true information that is advertised.


no, but there should be strict limits on what they can post and how often



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