In 2019 the European Union and U.S. Democratic Presidential Candidate Elizabeth Warren issued proposals that would regulate Facebook, Google and Amazon. Senator Warren proposed that the U.S. government should designate tech companies who have global revenue of over $25 billion as “platform utilities" and break them up into smaller companies. Senator Warren argues that the companies have “bulldozed competition, used our private information for profit, and tilted the playing field against everyone else.” Lawmakers in the European Union proposed a set of rules which incl…
Read more@9CCF8CVOne Nation2yrs2Y
@9JZJKVYFamily First11mos11MO
I don't think it is within our governments power to do that. But should they be divided into smaller companies? Yes.
No, but they should be taxed as a conglomerate and as individual subsidiaries
Not well informed on this matter.
No but tax them as they do not contribute to our national economy.
@StainingOne Nation2yrs2Y
Ban them and investagate them
Ban Amazon and Facebook limit Google
They should be banned in Auatralia
Yes and hopefully get back our privatcy back
No, but the government should have more power over what each platform does in it's country
Govt doesn’t have the capacity since they are overseas businesses
It should be heavily regulated, not necessarily broken up.
How tf they gonna do that?
No. The Australian Government has no role in the governance of foreign multinationals
No, so far as the company behaves with good practise and otherwise follows all laws. Specifically including not forming a monopoly.
Yes, plus they should be made to stop abrogating their security costs & responsibilities onto their client base & face stiff penalties for not being proactive enough
@92ZBH5WOne Nation3yrs3Y
Maybe. But need to control the way they are silencing conservative voices.
Moot point, the companies are far more powerful than our tiny country. It can’t be done.
Yes for Facebook. It has consistently put profit above anything else.
Yes, but this is not something the Australian Government can do??!
Yes, companies that offer services to Australians should be taxed proportionally in Australia.
No, Let the free market do it's job and allow competition to break these monopolies.
It should be more heavily regulated
I love the optimism, but like the South Australian (or Australian) government could achieve this 🙄
These companies should be dealt with in the countries where they are registered. Their reach, however, should be overseen by the Australian government.
It is a multibillion corporation. You cannot seperate from the source. In an ideal world; yes, it would be excellent.
This is out of our power.
No, but the individuals whose data they collect should be able to authorise who they can sell it to and receive a cut of any such sale.
No, the country where the business is located should regulate them. If Australia wants to combat them, they should fund Australian based competition.
Why? What’s the government got against em?
Business that conducts business in Australia needs to pay tax in Australia.
Not Australian companies so irrelevant
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