Try the political quiz



What is your view on the use of firearms for self-defense versus the potential risks they present to the community?


How might personal experiences with safety, or the lack thereof, influence someone's stance on gun ownership?


In what ways do you think the presence of a firearm changes the dynamics within common settings like schools, churches, or bars?


Can you share a story or emotion that captures your perspective on whether stricter gun laws would make you feel more or less secure?


How do you think the relationship between mental health and access to firearms should be addressed in gun legislation?


How would you propose balancing the Second Amendment rights with the goal of reducing gun deaths, especially suicides?


What are your thoughts on the cultural significance of guns in American society and its impact on gun laws?


How could changes in gun laws affect communities differently depending on their socioeconomic or geographic characteristics?


Do you think current gun education and training are adequate, and how might they play a role in gun-related incidents?


Reflect on a moment you or someone you know was impacted by gun violence - how did that shape your views on gun control?