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Yes, depends on the severity of the crime and the circumstances regarding both the context and the trial process, (ie. if it's biased)


They should be able to because in recent years we have seen political parties weaponise the justice system to try and prevent rivals from being able to qualify for elections. The people should be able to vote and if their crimes are detestable leave that for the public to decide.


yes, as long as the crime was minor and properly looked into/ extra support behind the scenes to be more closely watched


Yes, as long as the crime was not committed during office and the sentence is complete

 @B3BKXMY answered…1wk1W

No, only if it has been an acceptable period of time since their sentence was served, and their crime wasn't financial.


It should be case by case , depends on the crime , the capacity to reflect and how long ago it was. The persons conduct should be monitored though.


Yes they should be allowed because if we use Donald Trump as an example America is doing really well


It depends on the crime, the nature of it and if they seem to have tried to use it as a lesson to not repeat there same mistake in future


It should be inline with the incorporations act. Cannot be if you are convicted of sn indictable offence.


Yes, but with restrictions in place to allow certain misdemeanours and felonies and disallow more serious ones that breach humanitarian rights and harm innocent people needlessly.


Depends on what the crime was, and i believe I’d it’s bad enough they should take a psych evaluation. But things like rape, murder, armed robbery, burglary, hostage taking, etc. if some one has committed any of those crimes, they shouldn’t be allowed to help run a nation.


yes if the crime was non volient or sexual and there are signs that they have change and/ or regret their actions


Yes, as long as it was no a felony, violent, financial, dishonesty or sexual crime and was committed 10+ years prior to running


Yes, as long as the offending was over a certain period of time in the past and was not a fraud or abuse of office offense


yes but if they changed they could ask for a vote every ten years after the crime or previously asking for the vote buy the party they want the can not make there own party or lead it though the only thing the they could lead is local government


Yes, as long as they have served their time and the offence is not one that would influence their ability


It depends on the crime. If it relates to violence, any form of felony or financial crime then they shouldn't be allowed.


Yes Depending on the crime and whether they're likely to recommit crimes again.



Yes, after a period of time and depending on the crime, i.e. if a past crime is not related to causing physical harm to a person or animal with internet.


Depending on the severity of the crime, and the general public should be made aware of all details and information regarding the crime including dates, people involved and evidence.


Yes if it was a non violent crime or a crime not relating to corruption or fraud so only if it was like drug possession or minor theft


Only if crime was in the past and that they have not re-engaged in crime again, only if not a violent crime.

 @B2GTGBX answered…2mos2MO

Yes, as long as they're conviction is considered spent (after 10 years) and it isn't a sexual, violent or financial crime.

 @B2CRG6DOne Nationanswered…2mos2MO

No, but measures must be in place to exempt minor crimes. Corruption, violent crime, domestic abuse etc should disqualify politicians


Depending in the crime, the severity and when it was committed. For instance, if it were committed during their youth and the crime was minor non-violent robbery, and they are reformed, I believe they should be allowed the opportunity


Yes, as long as their sentence or probation has been finished, it was not violent, financial, sexual or severe in nature and they are not under concurrent investigation.

 @9ZNMKQBNew Liberalanswered…4mos4MO

Not unless the case can be fully ensured to have been done fairly and without bias. This involves making the evidence and legal procedure transparent and accessible to the public.


Yes, depending on the seriousness of the crime and as long as they have finished serving their sentence


Depends entirely on the crime and the circumstances. Multiple violent crimes with no sign of remorse or change in behaviour? No


Only if their position within government would allow them to commit more crimes, corruption for example


Yes if the person didn't do any sussy things with children or assault any people as well as doing drugs


Yes, as long as their conviction has been spent, that it was not committed while in office and as it wasn't a violent, financial, or sexual crime or a crime against children.


Yes, but they need to disclose this crime and all evidence, documents, etc., involved in the conviction


Dependant on the circumstances of said crime and when it was conducted, crimes whilst in office, no tolerance if convicted.


Yes, as long as they have fully served their time and the crime was not a felony, violent, financial, or sexual, as well as, they have changed as a person. If they haven't changed then no.


As long as the crime was not committed while in office. And as long as it wasn’t a violent, financial or sexual crime.


yes, but only if they have served their sentence and the crime was not a felony, violent, financial, or sexual crime.


No, unless the conviction was when they were under the age of 24, and was not a violent, sexual, felony or financial crime.


Yes, provided sentence has been served and it was not a violent, sexual, or financial crime.

In general, process and punishments for hiding/denying information that is relevant to the public (e.g. criminal history) should be incredibly punished and trigger immediate suspensions once the evidence exists. Transparency over perfection.


I couldn't do multiple choice but the first 3 boxes are important factors if someone who has been convicted of a crime should run for office


they should be able to as long as the crime isn't serious
such as treason,murder,terrorism or bank robbery

if the person in question committed the crime when they were younger
as long as it isn't serious then they should be able to run for office.


Yes, within limits. Those limits should be tougher for crimes at higher risk of occurring in their role (fraud, embezzlement) and for more egregious crimes (sexual assault, murder).


Yes, as long as they have rehabilitated back into society and show no signs of commiting a crime again


Disallow for severe crimes, and anyone under a current investigation should have to wait until proceedings conclude


Yes, as long as the usual back ground check will occur as well as them finishing their sentence and not murder


if they have finsished their sentence and it was not commited in the office. also it cannot be a violent, financial or sexual crime.


Yes, so long as 1) they have finished serving their sentence 2) the crime was not committed in the office 3) it was not a felony, violent, financial or sexual crime


Yes, provided it is not an indictable offence, violent, financial or sexual crime, it has been publicly disclosed, they have finished serving their sentence and they are currently not under investigation.


Yes, however, there needs to be a process and approval prior to running for office to ensure it will not be an area of conflict


i think they should as long as it wasnt a sexual offence or aanything in the office or a serious serious crime


Yes, as long they have finishes serving their sentence and the crime was not committed while in office.


Yes, depending on the crime, I believe they should be excused. (excluding severe cases like sexual misconduct, manslaughter, etc)

 @9K2V5DSLiberalfrom California  answered…1yr1Y

It depends on the crime and how long ago they've commit it, e.g. committing a crime 20 years ago as a kid and they now know that was entirely wrong.


I believe if a politician was convicted of a crime, I believe that the people working within the space or area of the politician, should be aware and take extra procurations.


Yes, as long as it was not a sexual crime and doesn't open concerns about interfering with democracy or individual rights


If proven guilty for crime, no. If innocent and proven worth and name, yes.


Yes, depending on the severity and nature of the crime as some criminal records are for minor or irrelevant offences.


 @99Z4Y5H from GU  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, so long as they have finished serving their sentence, the crime was not committed in the office, and it was not a felony, violent, financial or sexual crime




No, probably. Usually we're not talking about irrelevant crimes here. The specific situatuon will matter, but if you have to ask...


as long as it was when they were a child and its not a felony, violent, financial or a sexual crime and they have served their time


Depends on the crime. Laws are subject to change, so long as it wasn't murder or sexual in nature.


depends on the circumstance of the crime convicted and how bad it was , but again no politician should run an office with a criminal history


Depends on the severity of the crime. Everyone deserves a second chance.


Yes and as long as they have finished serving their sentence. But, disallow them who are under investigation for a crime.


I feel like the office and other people should discuss if they should run first, to see if their crime was as bad.


Depends on what the crime is, if it has the potential to damage a society then no


Depending on the crime, if it is something like stealing bread or something small, yes, if rape no.



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