In 2012 the government implemented a dental plan that would allocate $4 billion in funding through 2018. The program will provide dental services to children, Medicare recipients and low income adults who live in rural areas.
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More important to control what people eat. Tax sugar and junk food
Why should we fund laziness? Dental hygiene is a choice, just like taking a shower
Yes, but only in cases of birth or genetic defects, not in cases of rot from poor self-care.
I thought fluoridating our water aimed at this, however, high sugar diets and childhood consumption of too much sugary drinks have reversed preventative dental care. Tax the sugary drinks.
People only need dental care because of western processed diet. Flouride and fillings are so bad for you
@B2CRG6DOne Nation1mo1MO
It should me means tested. Otherwise free. Only free for people who have lived in Australia for 10 years or employed and paying tax
No, it should be redirected towards overall universal healthcare as dental isn't a massive issue at the moment.
Yes, but only with strict diagnostic criteria and auditing of dentists to ensure that they don’t over-treat.
@9DF9MJTOne Nation1yr1Y
Yes for children and students to age20
Yes but only basic otherwise people will grow lazy on brushing/flossing/taking care of their teeth.
Yes, but only for children, senior citizens and those struggling financially and need extra help from the government.
Yes but Australia is at least 20 years behind Korea, Japan and Europe. The quality here is terrible and expensive to boot.
No, however we need to increase the university spots available to teach dentistry and make it easier to get dentistry jobs and open new practices.
Yes, but to a degree. This should NOT mean the free provision of extensive dental treatment, making braces and reconstructive surgery completely free of charge. It should be equally available and accessible to all, but only free in 'minor' cases and restricted to one free appointment per time period.
Only to people on low income
Yes, but only for veterans, children and senior citizens
For people with any form of craniofacial deformity from birth should have life time dental care at government hospitals
Yes, but payment for the dentist should still be based on the difficulty and complexity of the procedure
For emergency or debilitating reasons.
Yes, dental should be included for all Medicare recipients.
Dental shouldn't be as expensive as it is. It shouldn't cost thousands of dollars to have your teeth fixed
Yes but only for children, and people on pensions
yes for people of low income
Universal dental should exist and be available to those under a certain amount of earning income and therefore should be a choice if they would like to use it or not. In saying that, not all dental practices will agree to it since they would see it as them losing money as they wouldn’t be able to charge what they would like to
Yes but only for people who cant afford it. And children and senior citizens
I’m happy with the current systems
Yes but with a minimum amount of dental work per year
Tax sugar and have education on healthy eating and on dental care and hygiene - keep teeth healthy
Yes. But only if bulk billing applied to only the truly impoverished.
People who can afford to pay for their dental care should pay. Others should be subsidised.
It is already covered under Medicare
Why??? do we need to be taught to depend on the government for everything?? How about we start to build the Australian Character Lets get our guts back and stop being so weak and needy. I do believe at the moment we need to support the less fortunate children and Elderly
Yes, but pensioner, children and concession discounts or payment plans.
Yes, only for major dental issues
what is universal dental care - never heard to this
Yes, but for those on low income, children and senior citizens
Yes 2 free appointments a year
Yes, only for children and senior citizens but make it subsidised for everyone else
Yes, but only if they are a private company and should be reduced by 50%
Basic dental should be covered by Medicare
Yes, only if it's for everyone
Yes, but for children and senior citizens. Other citizens, can, however access a benefit based on their income.
It should be funded through medicare like doctors visits with bulk billing for low income earners and some out of pocket for the rest.
Yes, but only for unavoidable/genetic issues including age.
@8ZQNBY6One Nation3yrs3Y
Only for certain dental issues.
Yes, but only for children, seniors, low income earners with cover and no interest loan options available for emergency or unpreventable surgery.
Yes, universal dental should be part of Medicare.
@8Z63VR3One Nation3yrs3Y
Yes, but only for children and concession holders
Yes. Dental health is important for our overall health. Good dental health will prevent diseases for which people have to be hospitalised and thus benefit everybody in the long run.
Basic dentist treatment is no different than getting other medical treatment. There should be a government subsidy to at least cover a big part of dentist expenses
Yes, for necessary treatments only
Yes, but only for general dental needs
@8XX9C7PFamily First3yrs3Y
Yes, but only when critical for health or wellbeing
@8XH82N5One Nation3yrs3Y
Not free but heavily discounted.
Yes, but only for children, senior citizens, military and veterans.
Yes, but only for those in lower-income brackets
Yes but only for necessary dental care.
Yes, but only for genetic defects and victims of injury
Yes, but I think the issue is more the foods we eat and lack of dental hygiene. Fluoride should not be the main solution to this as it is not the best for our bodies. Universal dental care is better suited to those with genetic diseases regarding oral health etc
Studies continually support the need for good dental health. Neglected dental health can lead to diabetes, heart disease etc. prevention is better and cheaper in the end but costs for dental treatments are prohibitive for so many. Need more Govt Dental programs, in our rural area it can take up to 3 years for treatment..
Yes but not right now as there are other priorities
if Universal Dental Care is going to happen it should be accessible to 3rd world countries
Yes, but for children, senior citizens and those on concession schemes
Yes, all healthcare should be a universal right.
Yes, but only when national debt is reduced
Yes but only for those who cannot afford private dental
Once the budget is in surplus
Yes, only to members of medicare
ideally, yes but is not essential
Yes, but when our deficit is reduced.
Yes, but only for preventative care
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