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As long as the animal is in a comfortable safe traveling area.
Add more regulation to keep legal live exports as safe for the animal as possible and make it harder for them to export live animals illegally.
Yes, but they should only export animals to countries with ethical farming practices and should aim to reduce the amount of live exports.
Yes, exports are crucial to the farming industry, but with strict animal welfare laws and regulations.
If it is done safely with the welfare of the animals prioritised.
No, we should kill the animal here to increase local jobs and ship the dead animal in cool storage
No, except for breeding and conservation purposes
Yes, but only in ethical and supervised methods of exportation
Processed by Australian workers in our meatworks. Maintaining jobs
Increase standards for live animal transport.
No. We should not be increasing the world consumption of meat, too much of which is bad for human and planetary health
keep slaughtering and butchering jobs in Australia
Yes if exports are cruelty free certified going to countries which enforce animal cruelty laws
No, but foreign aid to create freezer capability to these export countries and set up culturally appropriate abbatoirs here in australia
Yes, as long as it is humane and hygienic
Yes, but under strict conditions...example i want to import a beef bull for breeding or some breeding stock we should be able to do this...mass hit and miss exports of cattle to an unknown destination or fate is not acceptable but an organised and monitored process as we do with race horses would be depends on the customers integrity really
Only if it can be done humanely.
yes as long as the animals is packed with proper care
Yes but for pet and animal conservation reasons.
@8XMQM9LOne Nation3yrs3Y
Strict rules need to apply. Animal cruelty is rife in countries and we need to make sure they are humanly killed
Not really because if you go to send a animal/s over sea's to another country, depending on how long it takes, the animal could possibly die from starvation, lack of water (if the food and water had ran out) or possible could die from motion sickness.
Well it would depend on the purpose and if the animal can adapt to Australia’s environment.
if it is not harming the animals then yes.
yes but they cant have diseases or carry bad bacteria
If it’s essential yes, but with strict regulation to ensure it’s humane
Only if they are animals that will not ruin the ecosystem of the place they are going to
Yes and no, it is helpful to other countries but it is also important to reduce the cruelty on the animals
Yes but only as animals in zoos or exotic pets, owners of exotic pets should have a licence for keeping one or more.
yes only after we have excess of meat within the country then we can sell excess
We should not be killing animals at all
@8VCTCJ3Liberal Democrat3yrs3Y
Only if the process is proven to be comfortable for the animal
Yes but only under strict rules under agreements
Yes but with ensuring that they are ethically transported and exported
Yes but only to promote animal breeding programs. All animals intended for the countries food source should be boxed meat meeting Australian standards.
Yes, as long as conditions are humane
Don’t know enough about the matter to form an opinion
No, it is their choice they brought it.
No, But it needs to be done friendly to the animals and have all the supplies needed
Only if they are being saved from being endangered or essential livestock trading. Animals have to be respected and safe.
Kill animals then ship their meat
Yes, exports are crucial to the Australian economy and especially to farmers as we have large numbers of animal products industries and a low market for these meats in Australia
Only if the foreign country is struggling and needs immediate help.
yes but not native or endangered animals
Yes, but only if the animals are taking care of and they follow animal welfare guildlines.
@8TLRXVMOne Nation4yrs4Y
We should export our meats already butchered create jobs in abattoirs for australians
Endangered species should not be allowed to be exported however species with a high population should be allowed to be exported to countries that enforce animal cruelty laws.
@8TKSB6VOne Nation4yrs4Y
It should be allowed if there are the risks of animal cruelty removed.
If doesn't affect environment or other animals, enforces animal cruelty laws.
no, as it can promote spreading diseases
No, but allow imports of live animals
In situations where the transport is because someone is intending to buy the animals to raise/breed, than live transport is the only way. In situations where it's to have fresher meat, it is probably unnecessary. For both of these though, I'm against the animals being transported experiencing cruelty and bad conditions. If those issues can be mitigated than I have no qualms.
as long as they are looked after / given propper care it is fine
yes If the animals are in a suitable environment
Yes long as there are qualified carers and the conditions are very humane.
Yes, as long as they are adequately, safely exported and handled and testing for viruses are conducted.
Yes, but only if it's non-destructive or beneficial to the foreign country evironmentally
Yes, but with intention to phase out
It should allow exports if the animals are completely safe
If the already have that same animals e.g: Cows in Australia and cows in the UK too you can export they can because if they ship it to a country in which the cow is foreign it might catch or spread disseses.
yes however more practices should be taken to ensure the safety of the animals
animals belonging to Australian residents who are migrating/moving to a different country should be allowed to be exported .
@8TB7M55One Nation4yrs4Y
if the animals wellfare is taken care of
yes, allow exports but make sure the animals are being treated well, and not cruely
yes, as long as they are treated humanely during transportation
yes as long as the animals have no diseases
depends on why they are getting exported
only if the animals are safe and all arrive alive
Yes, only if the other country has its animal rights ensured to be humane and the travel conditions are good and if the export is absolutely necessary.
Yes, but they should take better care for the animals so they don"t get as hurt
Only if the the boat/machine for carrying the live stock must be looked after.
Only if animals are 100% unharmed and if it's neccesary
yes farm animals, no exotic animals
If the animals can safely be transported and have cruelty laws in place
@8SV7824One Nation4yrs4Y
Abolish the meat & dairy industry.
as long as the export circumstances are safe and the animals are not harmed.
Yes, however with more care to the animals involved than there currently is
yes, but only if there transport conditions are good enough
As long as animals aren't being harmed they can continue it.
if they are not endangered, extinct and are being used only for sustainable farming
Yes is is crucial to farmers but in a more humane way for the animals
Only if the animal's life is endangered.
I think it should be allowed but they should be well looked after while getting exported.
only government can do it
Yes, but only animals related to approved scientific research or absolutely crucial to the farming industry.
Yes but only for breeding purposes, not for slaughter.
I would like to export some animals a live stock for food purposes, as long as the Australian people get more than they’re fare share making meat cheaper for aussies. As for koalas and native animals they shouldn’t be exported to other countries at all. They are what make Australia unique and I believe it was increase tourism.
No, if the animals are being treated cruelly then 100% no! but if they are being treated humanly and kindly than yes
Yes, as long as exportation remains within animal cruelty regulations.
It depends on the animal and the environment they are transported in
Depends on the magnitude. No, I would ban it. However, the export of different breeding species, etc may be permitted if necessary.
Yes, but make sure animals are treated fairly during shipping.
only in certain circumstances and under strict laws
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