Try the political quiz

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Yes and No, depending on which level of government they want to be elected into



No, but they should be prohibited from owning any stock investments and must declare all other investments immediately.

 @92DKHTJLiberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes, and also required to release their medical records & Yes, and require a public audit each year they are in office.


Enough information that we can be assured of their associations so can ensure they are correctly excluded from votes where they have a financial interest.


Yes, and all assets & investments should be placed in an invisible trust while they are in office.


Depends if they've been convicted of a white collar crime such as money laundering. Plus they should be truthfully disclose their tax returns if not, they should be convicted


Yes and audits. They also shouldn't be able to be elected under one party and change post election. I don't agree with party votes either they represent their electorate not their own views, professional or religion etc


No, however they should be subject to a third party audit whilst in office


yes, but only to a small group of influential citizens who can confirm or deny they are on the books correctly


There will be no candidates and no voting only one supreme monarch/Dictator who is a Christian and serves god


No, they should be audited yearly to prevent corruption, but should not have to be released publicly unless fraud is found


their income shouldn’t affect their ability to do their job to the best of their abilities, and the income shouldn’t be incentive to be employed in that job.


No, but they shouldn’t be allowed to hold majority shares in private business and penalties for failure to declare conflicts of interest should be stricter



As long as the ATO confirms they are are paying the right amount of tax for their pay grade, it's fine.

 @8YXSKP2United Australiaanswered…2yrs2Y

No, they should just be paid far less. A career in Public service should not be motivated by financial gain.


No but they should be audited each year they are in office. They should release what companies they have stakes in and which electorates they own property in


No, but they should be examined and determine any conflict of interest. Would respect them for doing this.


Yes, and also required to release their mdical records and require a public audit each year they are in office



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