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 @593R4MJfrom New South Wales  answered…4yrs4Y

To be honest, Im sick of recognizing Aboriginal people. this country is going to end up being run by Aboriginals soon and the white man will be a second class citizen. Hell we can't even claim racism when an Aboriginal calls us whiteys or crackers or honky or any racial slur.

 @4X989LWfrom New South Wales  answered…4yrs4Y

They should recognise all religions and cultures but provide no benefit for any as we are all Australian.


No. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are Australian and therefore they are already recognised. By creating a specific reference, category or any other separation/segregation from being 'Australian' is a form of apartheid.

 @KiceannaGreenfrom Victoria  answered…4yrs4Y

No, Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders are Australian, thus I would argue they are recognized and represented, even if not by name. The constitution doesn't need to change.

 @4WPM5BSLaborfrom New South Wales  answered…4yrs4Y

It's important, but a referendum is incredibly expensive to hold. It would be more efficient to actually do something that would provide resources that would actually help someone, and serve more of a purpose than just sit there as a token gesture.

 @B3QG99Yanswered…3 days3D

No; the constitution is a set of laws and ideals that should affect all citizens equally. No one demographic should be singled out for special treatment. Doing so only increases the potential for discriminatory behaviour, not the reverse. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders deserve their history and contributions acknowledged, and the abuses done to them addressed in meaningful and compensatory ways, but not indefinitely, and not written into the very fabric of society.


yes, but it should only create an environment for them to feel safe from racism and other prejudice, rather than leveraging them into positions of power that already have representation


It already recognises them. Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders are Australians. And the Australian constitution is for Australians.


We should encourage unity in our language. We are all Australians as far as the National Government is concerned


It already does it Says that the constitution is for all Australians, including indigenous ones already


Yes, but only those who consider themselves federation Australian citizens, people who only see themselves as Aboriginal should just be that.


No, the government should not specially recognise any racial group, as everyone should be seen as equal before the law and the constitution.


Should a non corrupt body be placed in parliament that can not be abolished that has equal powers as any party or politician and enable evolution of democracy.


The constitution already recognises all people as it is guided and underpinned by equality of citizenship


Yes, but I’d prefer to do something which would actually help marginalised people like indigenous Australians


Yes but more broadly to ensure all Australians regardless of background. Which I believe is already in the constitution.


Yes, but I would prefer to do something to actually help indigenous Australians, rather than spending a lot on a referendum


I believe recognition is important via opportunities and funding. the constitution will does not effect recognition for any individual. its on the basis of a whole nation.


yes but recognise them as Australian's, don't divide Aboriginals and Torres strait islander people from white Australians, make us all equal.


how are they represented in it? i believe that it shouldnt give them advantages over everyone else. everyone should be treated the same.



The constitution seems to be mostly overridden in any case the politicians will just do as they please. By adding the aboriginal people into the constitution it means that they can be further exploited than certainly not. Sorry, not sorry right?


The constitution should recognise ATSI rights to local autonomy as part of a Treaty, however it should not provide centralised power on the basis of forced diversity.


If they contribute to society and stop making colonization a generational problem. Then “Yes” it’s not about history iota about the future for the country.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should have the same opportunities as any other race does.


No, refer to everyone as australian, if they do not see themselves as australian in australia.. they need to leave regardless of ethnicity


Absolutely not. Australian citizens should be recognised equally no matter their ethnicity. Creating a distinction in the constitution enshrines racism in the country's core document and ensures racism as Australia's future

 @B2FTPK3 answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but only if the abilities granted by their constitutional recognition are made clear and voted on.


It's contradictory to want to 'remove all racial elements' and want to recognise a racial group. Race doesn't belong in the constitution.


As long as Australia categorises Aboriginals and Torres Straight Islanders as "another kind", I feel it's wrong. We're all citizens from this land or legally migrated otherwise


Worded only in a way that brings all Australians together instead of dividing aboriginal people further


No because we need to treat them as equals to the rest of us, not higher than us or more privileged but not lower than us and treated like they are a different creature.


A new document should be created to stand alongside the constitution to correctly reflect modern Australia and our next chapter as a nation moving forward. This document should recognise First Nations.


The constitution need to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Islander people as original custodians of the land and acknowledge they need help bridging the gap, but this needs to be done fairly not expending the rights of other Australian citizens


Yes, but they should be treated the same way as other people in terms of criminality. They shouldn't be let off easier for the things they do to Australian citizens.


"Yes, but we shouldn't let them take control. It would be very easy for them to go up to a house or business they want and claim that it's their land, leaving the owners with nothing. We may have treated them poorly in the past, but we have made every effort to apologize. However, they continue to engage in drug use and other negative activities, which only serves to perpetuate a bad reputation and promote racism."


Recognise but don’t segregate. All people deserve the same rights. No law should be added based on race


They should have the same level of citizenship of any other Australian citizen but should not have a voice in parliament restricted to indigenous people.


Yes, but in a manner that recognises first nations people without incorporating race-based rights into our constitution.


Aboriginal and Torres trait Island peoples should be equal in the community. They should practice their culture and be respected but more diversity between in the community isn't needed.


there are many things to consider however, it should not matter the race of who is in the constitution but rather the qualifications.


IF that is most necessary. Even though the land originally is owned by them. WE as Australians have considered this country to be an open diversity all culture so it is only fair everyone is put or no one is put in the constitution.


The constitution should recognize the harm done to these communities, but not place an overly large emphasis on said communities as to no ostracize them from the other denizens of the country.


Recognised of sites that are holy to them etc. not give them influential voices that could damage national progress due to race.

 @9GL9J27 answered…1yr1Y

the aboriginals should be recognised but not given special treatment as it was their ancestors not them

 @God's-girl answered…1yr1Y

Depending on what for if it is just letting them into government then no not at all but if it is to prob people to learn Australia's history from them ten yes


I am still yet to understand how the Voice Benefits indigineous people - It seems to me that its just adding another bloated bureacracy and will do nothing to help those people that need help - it seems very City Centric and ignores those in the bush



Yes but not specifically. I want a constitution that recognises human beings, not race or ethnicity.



No, the constitution should only recognise "Australians" and make no mention of belonging in Australia as an aspect of race, religious belief etc


Yes, but we should have a constitution that recognises people as human's not by their race or ethnicity.




All people residing in Australia should be recognised in the constitution.


colour and race should be irrelevant. It should really depend on the person themselves. Which includes many factors.


No, because it sets them apart from every other Australian and will allow governments to treat them differently.


It recognises "Australians", which is everyone living in Australia, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. So they are not discriminated or excluded anyway.

 @93Y3BRYOne Nationanswered…3yrs3Y

It’s time to recognise the person, regardless of race, age or gender.


No they are people just like everyone else. They don't deserve special treatment just because there indigenous.



We ought to establish treaties and recognition for first nations peoples


Two part answer. Aboriginal and Torres Straight islanders should have all the same rights and obligations as all Australians. Hence, we should be under the one banner as all Australians..


Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders should be treated as fully fledged Austrslians and offerded all the same rights and freedoms. As Australians there should be no need for forms to contain Heritage questions such as 'are you Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander, nor should there be a need to indicate this.


Yes but we shouldn’t have to pay for them to live as it was not our fault for what happened in the past


I think all Australian citizens should be recognised the same regardless of their heritage, after all, we are all Australians aren't we?


To a degree, yes they are the First Nations people, and they are recognised as a big part of Australian culture but what more must the people of today do to please everyone?



Fair to all people.
There should be a limit to how much special treatment they get for their culture as we welcome all different culture but also now welcome all different genders types, etc and they get their own version of racism but also be tougher on racism that is affecting people lives.


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