Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @4Z94GH2from South Australia answered…3yrs3Y



political parties should strive for equality and diversity, and serve equty to people like women who may be disadvantaged in getting a position of power. however, i dont think a certain "quota" is necessary and shiuld rather represent the diversity of australia and different regions


Gender and race should play no role in any job, it should be the person best suited to that role weather they be male/female or any skin colour

 @9L49HYPLiberal Democratanswered…1mo1MO

no, women and ethnic minorities should be banned from running and being in the election. also, no gay marriage.


I don't think politics should exist in the first place but they do, there for anyone should be able to be voted for


I do think it is more important to have qualified politicians to run in office above all else, but I do think more diverse voices in the political space is also very important.

 @99Z4Y5H from GU answered…1yr1Y

political parties should strive for equality and diversity, and serve equity to people like women who may be disadvantaged in getting a position of power. however, i don’t think a certain "quota" is necessary and should rather represent the diversity of australia and different regions


No, failure to diversify will inevitably become it’s own punishment



No the most qualified should get the job, however there should be a reflection upon genders, race, sexuality and diversity.



The most appropriate person for the job, not necessarily the most “qualified”


Only if they are truly invested and want to be there besides to make up the numbers


Diversity should be encouraged and the best candidate should get the job. There should be more opportunities for women but ultimately gender should not be at the forefront. Men and women should be given equal opportunity.


We should have laws in which everyone regardless of gender should have absolute equality in the possibility of being a candidate but I still believe who the party believes to be the best candidates regardless of gender should be put forward as the candidate however there should be a process that needs to happen to prevent corruption as I believe if the best candidate was always actually put forward there would be more female candidates but having a law that we need a centrain number of each gender could prevent people of any gender having the possibility of being put forward because they have to meet their quota.




Political Parties should be able to pick how many women they want in their party


No, diversity should be encouraged but not forced and the most qualified candidate should get the position regardless of gender


No, but there should be effective practices in place which ensure women feel safe and supported in politics


If women are to be a candidate, then they should have the same opportunities as men, but do not force women to be candidates if they don't want to.


They should only run the women if they have that amount of women candidaates and if they arre good.


there is such deep sexism in this issue, diversity should be encouraged but it would be ignorant to think that’s going to happen on its own. There should be more women in political parties, but the environment in which women aren’t welcome in politics isn’t going to change overnight and potentially having more women’s input even if it is ‘required’ would start to create a more equal environment.



No, diversity should be encouraged and a true meritocracy should be established.


No, this should be up to the parties themselves not a legislated requirement




Either way I mean 10 male lawyers is the same as 5 male and 5 female lawyers if they all get hired via nepotism yanno?


 @926XFTCOne Nationanswered…2yrs2Y

Just run people that arw capable and can do they job, it wouldn't if they were all woman or all men or a mix.


Yes, but based on true qualifications (not diversity hires for the sake of it)


The system of sexism needs to be looked at and fixed immediately. this should not be a problem


Political parties should enrol candidates purely based on skill and competencies. Should not matter if it is a man or woman, and should not discriminate. EVER.


Yes, if they fit the requirements for the job, not just to have a woman in the seat.


Quotas are potentially problematic but societal impacts tend to negatively affect women in leadership roles, and may be a suitable solution.


No diversity should be encouraged not forced and the most qualified should get the position regardless of gender


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