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 @4TDPJSCLiberal Democratfrom Victoria  answered…4yrs4Y

Capable students should be on scholarships. Everyone else should find another path in life.

 @4T4F9RKfrom Queensland  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, I am sick of people in Australia having this entitlement that they expect the government to aid them.

 @4T764V5Liberal Democratfrom Western Australia  answered…4yrs4Y

Maintain University funding for Australian born citizens but allow the universities to set fees for international students.

 @4SYRJM3Nationalsfrom Queensland  answered…4yrs4Y

 @4T94L6Mfrom Queensland  answered…4yrs4Y

ALL schools, colleges, universities should run by Christian churches, industry associations & be free in exchange for national service.

 @4T4NZD6Liberalfrom New South Wales  answered…4yrs4Y

top 10% of students get free education. The rest can pay what the universities deem fair.

 @B3RF2P5answered…2 days2D

I believe degrees should be priced based on societal importance. Nursing, Healthcare , Education, Sciences should be free as there is a universal need for employment in these positions. Degrees in subjects such as the Arts should come with a price as they provide less use for society as a whole. Im studying an arts degree in the aims of persuing an education degree but it is unrealistic to view philosophy with the same importance as healthcare professions. Also trades should be encouraged more often.

 @B3QNFS8answered…3 days3D

No, I would subsidise costs associated with practicals and placements and make some university payments subsidised on completion of a degree.

 @B3PGPZRanswered…4 days4D

Yes but fees for much needed occupations should be subsidized fully by government and reviewed annually, ie nurses, certain trades, etc

 @B3NJRP4answered…5 days5D

Degrees should be shortened the the bare essential units. Additional units may be optional. A degree should cost no more than $20,000.

 @B3MBJCF answered…6 days6D

No, and there should be more free courses but not all courses should be free as that would be a burden on the tax payer


I think free is unrealistic and unreasonable. But I think the price should equivocate what is appropriate for students who are typically entering early adulthood/financial independence and have minimal funds.


I think they should reduce costs students have to incur for universities but unis should still set costs in order to create competition for better facilities, encouraging better education hopefully in the process


no, make it more affordable for domestic students and make it harder to get in so that people will be allocated to jobs that don’t need degrees


No, they should have government funding and hecs debt shouldn’t fluctuate with inflation.

 @9DLJYWDfrom Georgia  answered…2yrs2Y


Yes but they need to be overseen more in terms of setting parameters for students that affect their fees and structures that affect student wellbeing


Universities should be extraordinarily cheap. Like 10 grand and not something over 100,000


Yes, medical professions should have their hex debit written off after they have worked in the Australian public sector for a fixed period of time (to be determined).


No, but the fees should be reasonable, and partial government funding on some, specifically in areas where there are shortages in order to encourage students into that field perhaps


Should be a maximum of AUD4000 a year for Australian citizens and international students should pay the current fees set by the universities


Every citizen of Australia should be given a fund of for example $30,000, they should do with it as many higher education courses (uni or tafe) as they want when they have run out of funds that is it they have to pay out of pocket then. There should also be a mandated amount of seats of every university course for Australian citizens. Fees should be regulated for Australian Citizens and unregulated for foreigners.


It should be controlled for citizens but not for non-citizens, Every citizen should be given $x amount for higher education (uni or tafe) but once the founds are out its out.


If they are private universities they should be able to set their own fees. Public or government funded institutions should not be able to.


No, If the Universities are allowed to set their own fees, then they can charge more money to university students.


No, and university education should be free for all citizens while non citizens pay more to compensate the tax difference.


I think that University scholarships should increase as there are so many gifted people out there who cant afford tuition costs/ who are put into a lot of Uni debt.


Make uni free but very hard, in order to increase worker employability and to allow those who shouldn't be there (because they're dumb) to root themselves out.


Yes, taking into account the quality of education as well as the cost of the education for the university


Private owned universities should be allowed to set their own fees. Government owned ones shouldn't.

 @9ZTQK9JCoalition answered…3mos3MO

Yes for certain categories of students (short vocational courses that are corporate sponsored) Should be free for all citizens under 30yo but restrict foreign students to 10%. Raise standards if entry and eliminate soft marking.


End education incentive for PR visa and reduce international student s to 10%. Fund citizen student under graduate 100% but have higher academic entry standards and depoliticise courses


Universities should set their own fees, with adequate and reasonable financial aid being provided to select students. However, government funding for these universities should be ended.


No, and univerisity education should be free for all citizens only for useful degrees like STEM degrees and only for the first degree a person undertakes and only if they complete that degree.


No, and university fees should be free for those who show they are serious about their academics and can't afford it.

 @9YFKWG6Liberal answered…4mos4MO

University fees have to be highly regulated and checked every fiscal year by the State and Federal Governments to avoid fleecing both Citizens and Migrant students.


Universities should set their own fees but with a commitment to providing accessible education and not making profit.


This seems like a state or federal election question. It's complex and would create a major debate. There should maybe be regulations though.


Should be capped fees enforced by governments, where universities provide insight into how fees are paid for and why the prices are set at their respective fees for courses.


Universities should add their own fees but not expensive that people cannot attend straight out of secondary school.


Yes but they should be reduced and made more accessible for students with pricing and payment plans and there should also be a postgraduate plan that is made for each individual student to help/guide them to achieve their goal career goals for after they graduate.

 @9VWNHJFGreen answered…5mos5MO

there should be government regulation on university fees that still allows universities some decision in fee setting.


They should be acceptable for students not too high, but enough so university's can afford good teachers.


Personally, universities should not have fees to just go to the campus but fees for accommodation and the use of the library.


University education or most education should be funded by the government. Even if you study something, you can still struggle with finding employment. The amount of money you have to pay for a course is insane given the low chances you have of getting a job after studying a chosen field. Given the easy access of learning in general on the internet, school/course study should be funded by the government. It may be impossible, so at least universities and TAFE courses, or tickets for other skillsets should be government funded.


Yes, but with government regulation to prevent overpriced fees which will spiral students into decades of hecs debt.


Only to a certain amount, and I think they should give more opportunities for scholarships and discounts and do more to SUPPORT students. This includes more opportunities for chaplaincy, curriculum review, and pathway, as well as course length and financial aid that doesn't put people into ridiculous amounts of debt.


Universities should discuss with the government so that both the university and the government are still being properly funded, but with a reduction on the amount of student debt nation wide.


No, and governments should help reduce education costs to allow higher skilled workers to enter the force


We should offer a system similar to our schooling system. Public universities are free. Minus books etc. private university system similar to our normal school system

 @9KVN4FLUnited Australiaanswered…12mos12MO

Yes and government should fund degrees where skills shortage are present conditional on recipients working in area


No university should be free but it should be limited, as it would be taking the piss if someone goes to study for 20 years and never goes into the work force to fund it for other people


Yes, and universities should be funded by government and university-employing industries (tax) alone

 @9K8TZN2New Liberalanswered…1yr1Y

No, however I would like to see a considered reform of education from Pre-School to University in an integrated fashion with a dual focus on generating liberally educated democratic citizens whom can help to inform and set themselves toward areas of national need, having regard or open ended 10 and 20 year directions and visions for the Nation.

 @9K6GDR4Democratic Labouranswered…1yr1Y

Governments should fully fund university education in order to promote educational power, resulting in increased active citizenship and thus increased civic engagement with citizens' right to democracy


If they aren`t able to pay for the fees at the current time, the government should pay some % of the fees and when the students start earning they payback. Similar to a loan


No, and start subsidising Australian university fees for in demand fields for Australian and New Zealand citizens.

Goverment ran univerisity should be free, while independent should be able to set fee's independently


I believe university education should be free for all citizens. If the student fails, they will still have to retake the course/degree, etc. Everybody should have access to education - it's a right.


Universities fees should be adjusted like Medicare rebates, and to a certain point be covered by the government. The rest should be paid out of pocket by the student.


Current system of subsidised education by the government works well. Unis should set their own fees however should continue to be subsidised.


If they are private institutions they can set their own prices. If government funded, then the fees should be regulated.


No, the government should set a definite fee on someone based on what type of education they are seeking and how "much" education they look for


Depends on the uni course and where the uni is as well as if the person is an Australian citzen or not.


Yes, but the fee should be lowered so houses with a single minimum wage income can pay for university.


fees should be reduced, government should still help fund universities but make university education more accessible financially.


No, university education should be free for all citizens who have citizenship included immigrants that have green card or international students that currently studying in australia


Yes, but there should be a maximum, it should be regulated, and it should be proportional to how much it costs the university instead of overinflated fees.


Universities should be able to set their own fees, however the government should strongly regulate how universities set their fees such as determining a reasonable maximum and minimum.


No, but for some extra activities that need a small fund then, small fees might be reasonable.


depends, if they increase the fee for the university, i said no, but if it decrease the fees i would agree due to helping the people who have less money


No, and university education should be free for all citizens and government funding for universities


Yes but it has to be free for international student studying and has to be some maximum fee the university can set and has to be regulated by government.


No, university education should be lowered in price but students should still have to apply and successfully be accepted into the system.No, the government should regulate university fees, and supply support for low income earners


Yes, but create an upper limit based on factors such as the economy around the area, universities' reputation and statistics, etc




Yes, but based on the government funding they receive, which I believe should be increased


yes, but they should be small fee the government should still partially pay for alot of it


just keep it as it is. add some sort of alternatives to not going in debt trying to get educated I would say.


i think universities should not be able to set their own fees and i think that the first semester of university should be retally accessible and free




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