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 @4T4F9RKfrom Queensland answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, I am sick of people in Australia having this entitlement that they expect the government to aid them.

 @4TDPJSCLiberal Democratfrom Victoria answered…3yrs3Y

Capable students should be on scholarships. Everyone else should find another path in life.

 @4T764V5Liberal Democratfrom Western Australia answered…3yrs3Y

Maintain University funding for Australian born citizens but allow the universities to set fees for international students.

 @4T94L6Mfrom Queensland answered…3yrs3Y

ALL schools, colleges, universities should run by Christian churches, industry associations & be free in exchange for national service.

 @4SYRJM3Nationalsfrom Queensland answered…3yrs3Y

 @4T4NZD6Liberalfrom New South Wales answered…3yrs3Y

top 10% of students get free education. The rest can pay what the universities deem fair.


Universities should be extraordinarily cheap. Like 10 grand and not something over 100,000


We should offer a system similar to our schooling system. Public universities are free. Minus books etc. private university system similar to our normal school system

 @9KVN4FLUnited Australiaanswered…1mo1MO

Yes and government should fund degrees where skills shortage are present conditional on recipients working in area


No university should be free but it should be limited, as it would be taking the piss if someone goes to study for 20 years and never goes into the work force to fund it for other people


Yes, and universities should be funded by government and university-employing industries (tax) alone

 @9K8TZN2New Liberalanswered…2mos2MO

No, however I would like to see a considered reform of education from Pre-School to University in an integrated fashion with a dual focus on generating liberally educated democratic citizens whom can help to inform and set themselves toward areas of national need, having regard or open ended 10 and 20 year directions and visions for the Nation.

 @9K6GDR4Democratic Labouranswered…2mos2MO

Governments should fully fund university education in order to promote educational power, resulting in increased active citizenship and thus increased civic engagement with citizens' right to democracy


If they aren`t able to pay for the fees at the current time, the government should pay some % of the fees and when the students start earning they payback. Similar to a loan

Goverment ran univerisity should be free, while independent should be able to set fee's independently


I believe university education should be free for all citizens. If the student fails, they will still have to retake the course/degree, etc. Everybody should have access to education - it's a right.


Universities fees should be adjusted like Medicare rebates, and to a certain point be covered by the government. The rest should be paid out of pocket by the student.


Current system of subsidised education by the government works well. Unis should set their own fees however should continue to be subsidised.


If they are private institutions they can set their own prices. If government funded, then the fees should be regulated.


Yes, but there should be a maximum, it should be regulated, and it should be proportional to how much it costs the university instead of overinflated fees.



Universities should be able to set their own fees, however the government should strongly regulate how universities set their fees such as determining a reasonable maximum and minimum.


No, but for some extra activities that need a small fund then, small fees might be reasonable.


No, they should have government funding and hecs debt shouldn’t fluctuate with inflation.

 @9DLJYWDfrom Georgia answered…8mos8MO


Yes but they need to be overseen more in terms of setting parameters for students that affect their fees and structures that affect student wellbeing

 @9C4C7NNfrom North Carolina answered…11mos11MO

Yes, but make sure that there is no interest rates for student loans.


Yes but it has to be free for international student studying and has to be some maximum fee the university can set and has to be regulated by government.



No, university education should be lowered in price but students should still have to apply and successfully be accepted into the system.No, the government should regulate university fees, and supply support for low income earners


No, your first bachelor degree should be free for Australian citizens


No, and access to university education for (a primary) degree for needed qualifications like teachers, nurses, doctors, engineering, pilots, and social workers should be free for all citizens.


Yes.They should be competetive in what services and budgets they offer.


There should be a regulation, however universities should also be granted some choice.


Universities should still have government funding but it should be fairer


Some universities that are private should, but the ones that are aligned to government then no.


I believe that if a university makes there own prices they should also include more into there.


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