Yes, as long as it is safe for them to return to their country
No, only if they have entered the country illegally
Yes, but after they have finished serving their sentence

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No should also find ways to rehabilitate the individual and focus on mental health and physical health everyone deserves a chance we don’t own the land however if one has raped or killed I do feel as though the death sentence is to be put in place


They should go to jail for their sentence and then be released back into Australia and not deported.

 @9K7FW3Q answered…5mos5MO

No, providing they have lived in Australia for a period of 7 years or longer, or they have gained citizenship. If this is inapplicable, then they can be eligible for deportation.

 @9K2V5DSfrom California answered…5mos5MO

It depends on the crime, if it's putting a large amount of people in danger to have them in the country then yes, but if its serious but wont be putting people in possible danger to have them around just have them treated as any other Australian citizen and place them in prison or other legal actions.


No, only if the crime is serious like murder or rape. If it is something like drug trafficking, rehabilitation programs should take place to help redeem themselves.