Try the political quiz

16 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...4mos4MO



He has repeatedly ignored allied nations' requests for a ceasefire in Gaza and escalated the conflict by drawing in a strike from Iran, exasperating the tensions in the region

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...4mos4MO



He is a threat to World Peace, as seen by his Genocidal actions in Gaza. He needs to be ousted from office and face an International Tribunal for possible crimes against Humanity


The government should continue to recognise Netanyahu as the legitimate ruler of Israel, while expressing disapproval of the actions he is taking.

 @9QWJHGFfrom Virginia answered…2wks2W

FOr now yes. Isreal is a democracy. the only one in the middle east, even if theleaders are not popular with out governoment.



No, Netanyahu is a war criminal and a threat to world Peace and needs to be removed from power immediately and face trial before an International Court

 @9LQSG5SOne Nationfrom Guam answered…3mos3MO

We shouldn't definitively support anyone but our own country for the time being

 @9L89DZZSocialist Alliance from Guam answered…3mos3MO


No we should stay neutral in Israeli politics except for humanitarian aid for both Palestine and Israel

 @9992HTRSocialist Alliance  from GU answered…2mos2MO

No, all funding should be cut off and sanctions imposed until he makes peace.



They shouldn't support any ethnonationalist government, regardless of who it is led by.


If the government wants to support Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership of the Israeli government, then they can go for it unless there are civilians who do not want to support him.



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