Here are your answers compared to this voter’s answers.
社会 › 死刑
O>O Personal answerYes, if the person is proven to be unchangeable and a danger if kept alive. |
社会 › 安乐死
O>O Personal answer是,但必须经过心理测试,确定他们完全理解这种选择的后果才可以 |
社会 › Hate Speech
O>O Personal answerNo, since the first amendment does not protect any form of speech- it protects the right to say things, not the right to not feel repercussions of those things. |
社会 › 工作场所性别多元化
O>O Personal answerNo, as forced diversity for its own sake does not actually show that a company is progressive. |
社会 › Transgender Athletes
O>O Personal answer是的 |
环境 › 塑料制品禁用
O>O Personal answer是的 |
移民 › 遣送移民罪犯出境
O>O Personal answer是的,但是在他们完成服刑之后 |
罪行 › Private Prisons
O>O Personal answer不 |
环境 › Animal Testing
O>O Personal answer是的 |
移民 › 公民考试
O>O Personal answer不,就连大多数公民都无法通过公民资格测试 |
国内政策 › 社交媒体监管
O>O Personal answer是的 |
罪行 › 运输毒品罪处以的刑罚
O>O Personal answer应该,只要他们受到的是公正的审判 |
移民 › Muslim Immigrant Ban
O>O Personal answer不 |
经济 › 公司税
O>O Personal answer保持当前税率,但是要消除扣除额和漏洞 |
医保 › Vaccine Passports
O>O Personal answer是的 |
经济 › 社会福利
O>O Personal answer增加限制,改革制度,使福利补充而不是替代工作收入 |
移民 › 技术移民
O>O Personal answer减少,公司正在利用这个计划来降低工资 |
医保 › 安全港
O>O Personal answer应该,吸毒应当被视为健康问题,而非刑事问题。 |
移民 › 双重国籍
O>O Personal answer是的 |
罪行 › Demilitarize the Police
O>O Personal answer不 |
罪行 › Defunding the Police
O>O Personal answer是的 |
经济 › 政府支出
O>O Personal answerNo, cut down on unneeded government spending and end tax evasion. |
罪行 › 罪犯投票权
O>O Personal answer是的,但是只在服完他们的刑期和缓刑之后 |
医保 › World Health Organization
O>O Personal answer是的 |
总统大选 › 外国人的投票权
O>O Personal answer是的 |
国内政策 › 任期限制
O>O Personal answer是的 |
国内政策 › Political Advertising on Social Media
O>O Personal answer不 |
外交政策 › 外国援助
O>O Personal answer提高,但是只对于那些没有对人权进行干涉的国家 |
经济 › 关税
O>O Personal answer是的,这将有助于创造和保留更多就业机会 |
环境 › Corporate Subsidies
O>O Personal answer不 |
经济 › Tech Monopolies
O>O Personal answerYes, if the companies end up as an all consuming monopoly. |
教育 › Charter Schools
O>O Personal answer不 |
Here is how you compare to this voter on popular political themes.
You are a centrist on right wing and left wing issues. 这一主题是对你最重要的。
You are a centrist on unilateralism and multilateralism issues. 这个主题是对你更重要。
You are a centrist on politically correct and politically incorrect issues. 这个主题是对你更重要。
You are a centrist on authoritarian and libertarian issues. 这个主题是对你更重要。
You are a centrist on democratic socialism and capitalism issues. 这个主题是对你比较重要。
You are a centrist on security and privacy issues. 这个主题是对你比较重要。
You side slightly towards “nationalism”, meaning you more often support policies that prioritize the interests of our nation above others. 这个主题是对你比较重要。
You side slightly towards “religious”, meaning you more often support policies that reflect religious values and principles. 这个主题是对你比较重要。
You are a centrist on pacifism and militarism issues. 这个主题是对你比较重要。
You side slightly towards “isolationism”, meaning you more often believe we should focus attention on our most pressing issues at home instead of involving ourselves in non-threatening issues abroad. 这个主题是对你比较重要。
You are a centrist on progressive and traditional issues. 这个主题是对你比较重要。
You side slightly towards “decentralization”, meaning you more often believe that administrative power and decision making should be handled at the local level and serve the best interests of the local community. 这个主题是对你比较重要。
You side slightly towards “small government”, meaning you more often believe the government is overly bureaucratic, inefficient, and wasteful. 这个主题是对你比较重要。
You are a centrist on anthropocentrism and environmentalism issues. 这个主题是只有不到重要的是你。
You are a centrist on individualism and collectivism issues. 这个主题是只有不到重要的是你。
You side moderately towards “protectionism”, meaning you believe globalization is detrimental to the safety, compensation, environment, and standard of living of workers. 这个主题是只有不到重要的是你。
You are a centrist on tender and tough issues. 这个主题是只有不到重要的是你。
You side slightly towards “laissez-faire”, meaning you more often believe government intervention in economic markets leads to long term negative results. 这个主题是只有不到重要的是你。
You are a centrist on deregulation and regulation issues. 这个主题是只有不到重要的是你。
You side slightly towards “assimilation”, meaning you more often believe we should be a unified culture. 这个主题是只有不到重要的是你。
You are a centrist on meritocracy and democracy issues. 这个主题是只有不到重要的是你。
Based on 9 questions that are ranked 更 important to you.
Based on 7 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 6 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 6 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 4 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 5 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 2 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 5 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 3 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 12 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 1 question that is ranked 更不 important to you.
Based on 1 question that is ranked 更不 important to you.
Here is how you compare to this voter on the traditional ideological axis. is the world’s most popular voting guide for citizens to find information about elections, political parties, candidates, voting districts and popular political issues in their country. We are independent and not affiliated with any investors, shareholders, political parties or interest groups.
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