The Health Australia Party is a political party in Australia, founded in 2013 as the Natural Medicine Party. It adopted its current name in 2015. According to its website, the party was founded with a view to “promoting open and transparent Government decision making, balance and honesty of information, and stimulating individual freedom of choice and thought.” Party co-founder Dr Isaac Golden has written that the party was founded, in part, "to respond to the well funded, sustained and coordinated attacks on natural medicine in Australia which have placed our homeopathic profession at risk, as well as all natural therapists". The party’s policies are based on five pillars: people, economy, environment, democracy, and society. The party’s president, Kerry Bone, stated on the party’s website that, "True freedom of choice in health care, facilitated by a supportive and empathetic government and informed by balanced media representation, is what we seek." According to the ABC, the party "also supports animal rights, food cooperatives, the Tobin tax system, which supports the taxing of foreign currency transactions, more academic freedom in universities, a Swiss-style national service system, and greater restrictions on herbicides and pesticides".
Political views
Naturopathy, Anti-fluoridation
See the complete list of 163 policies for the Health Australia