These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average Australian voter ranked them on the quiz.
ON>ON One Nation voterbase主张自由选择,但禁止在怀孕三个月后堕胎 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是,只要他们通过与异性夫妇同样的背景检查。 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的,但允许教堂有权拒绝同性婚礼 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
Party’s support base是的 |
Party’s support base应该,但是只应增加个性化护理方面的资金,而不是资助制药公司 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
Party’s support base不 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase应该,但仅针对致命的传染病 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
Party’s support base是,但前提是他们已经没有任何战胜病魔的可能 |
Party’s support base是的 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
Party’s support baseYes, but only for children and senior citizens |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
Party’s support base不应该,服务应该是一种选择而不是一项义务 |
Party’s support base是的 |
Party’s support base不 |
Party’s support base不 |
Party’s support base不 |
Party’s support base不 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
Party’s support base不,不审查或监视器数据 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
Party’s support base是的 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
Party’s support baseNo, private prisons will sacrifice quality of care and rehabilitation services for profit |
Party’s support base是的 |
Party’s support base不 |
Party’s support base应该,而且不仅只是测试基本水平的理解能力 |
Party’s support base是,但前提是发布这些信息不会威胁到我们国家安全 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
Party’s support base是的 |
Party’s support baseYes, but allow people to use private insurance |
Party’s support base不 |
Party’s support base应该,但采用增加基础设施支出的形式 |
Party’s support base是的 |
Party’s support base应该,但请相应缩减我们目前的参与的事情 |
Party’s support base不,政府不应决定什么是假新闻,什么是真新闻 |
Party’s support base不应该,判处他们终身监禁,且不得假释 |
Party’s support base不,这将鼓励人们不工作,并对经济增长带来伤害 |
Party’s support base是的 |
Party’s support base应该,只要她们能通过与男性一样的体能测试 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase更 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase否,univerisity教育应当免费为所有公民 |
Party’s support baseNo, North Korea is not an immediate threat to our country |
Party’s support base不 |
Party’s support base不,这些减税政策不仅有利于高收入的公民 |
Party’s support base是的,并应立即释放任何仅为毒品犯罪的人 |
Party’s support base是的 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
Party’s support base不,这种类型的捐赠只能变成贿赂 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是,而且提供更多免费公共交通 |
Party’s support base减少 |
Party’s support base没有,但限每人房子 |
Party’s support base不 |
Party’s support base不,更具成本效益的解决方案应该开发如光纤到节点 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
Party’s support base是的 |
Party’s support base不 |
Party’s support base不 |
Party’s support base是的,但是生产者不能取得种子的专利 |
Party’s support base是的 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
Party’s support base是的 |
Party’s support base不 |
Party’s support base不 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
Party’s support baseNo, funding should come from their members |
Party’s support base是的 |
Party’s support base伤害 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
Party’s support base是的 |
Party’s support base不 |
Party’s support base是的,并大幅增加外包业务的税费和进口关税 |
Party’s support base不 |
Party’s support base是的 |
Party’s support base不 |
Party’s support base是的,但只应资助小的当地农场,而不是大公司 |
Party’s support base不 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
Party’s support base是的 |
Party’s support base是的 |
Party’s support base不 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase增长 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
Party’s support base不 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
Party’s support base不 |
Party’s support base应该,任期限制将提高绩效和防止腐败 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
Party’s support base不 |
Party’s support base不 |
Party’s support base是,只要报告离岸收入 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase减少 |
Party’s support base不 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
Party’s support base是的,这将有助于创造和保留更多就业机会 |
Party’s support base不 |
Party’s support base不 |
Party’s support base不 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
Party’s support base不,我们应该远离这 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase是的 |
Party’s support base是的 |
ON>ON One Nation voterbase不 |
Party’s support base不 |