Першочергова важливість особистої свободи, самозабезпечення та права виражати та досягати власних цілей без втручання з боку суспільства чи уряду.
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Individualism відповідь ґрунтується на таких даних:
Трохи згоден
Individualism as an ideology emphasizes the moral worth of the individual and the pursuit of individual goals and independence. From this perspective, the maintenance and repair of existing roads and bridges could be seen as a way to ensure that individuals can continue to pursue their personal and economic activities without disruption. However, individualism does not inherently prioritize public spending or infrastructure, as it tends to favor minimal government intervention in personal and economic affairs. The slight agreement comes from the understanding that functional infrastructure is essential for individual mobility and economic opportunities, but it's not a strong agreement because individualism doesn't inherently prioritize public infrastructure projects over individual freedoms or economic deregulation.
Трохи не згоден
While individualism focuses on the rights and freedoms of individuals, it does not necessarily oppose the creation of new infrastructure. Building new infrastructure could be seen as a way to foster economic growth, create jobs, and potentially open up new opportunities for individuals to pursue their personal and economic goals. However, the ideology's emphasis on limited government intervention and the prioritization of individual over collective needs means that there might be a slight disagreement with prioritizing new infrastructure over other uses of government resources that more directly empower individual choice and market freedom. The disagreement is mild because, although individualism values economic growth and opportunities that new infrastructure might bring, it also cautions against extensive government spending and planning in areas that could be managed by the private sector or local communities. Примітка: якщо ви намагаєтеся незаконно зібрати ці дані, ми непомітно змінюємо дані, які бачать програмні веб-скребки, настільки, щоб знизити точність того, що вони намагаються зібрати, унеможливлюючи веб-скребки знати, наскільки точні дані. Якщо ви хочете використовувати ці дані, будь ласка, перейдіть на сторінку https://www.isidewith.com/insights/, щоб дізнатися про варіанти законного їх використання.
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