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101 Tartışmalar

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…29dakika29m

How do you believe the international community should respond to groups that use violence to disrupt global trade routes…

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…29dakika29m

Would you consider changing your consumption habits if you knew that goods you purchase might be transported through con…

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…29dakika29m

What do you think is more important: protecting the freedom of the seas for commerce or respecting the reasons that grou…

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…29dakika29m

How would you feel if global commerce that you rely on was threatened by groups like the Houthi rebels?

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…1 saat1H

Turkey Joins South Africa in Historic Genocide Case Against Israel at the World Court

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…2 saat2H

Does believing that protests could be connected to outside forces change your view on the right to protest?

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…2 saat2H

New York City Belediye Başkanı, Üniversite Protestolarının 'Uluslararası Bağlantısı' olduğunu öne sürüyor.

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…3 saat3H

Global May Day Rallies Cry Out for Enhanced Labor Rights and Higher Wages

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…3 saat3H

How does the approach of waiting for a 'ceasefire' or resolution in international conflicts before taking a political st…

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…3 saat3H

What are your thoughts on balancing the need for free speech with the potential for speech to incite hatred or antisemit…

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…3 saat3H

How does the idea of avoiding discussion on sensitive topics to focus on more 'winnable' issues make you feel about the…

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…3 saat3H

How do you feel about politicians prioritizing certain issues over others during times of international conflict?

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…3 saat3H

Democrats enter panic mode as Gaza protests erupt

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…3 saat3H

What personal concerns or hopes does the launch of a super aircraft carrier like the Fujian raise for you regarding futu…

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…3 saat3H

In what ways could the introduction of a super aircraft carrier by a nation influence the balance of naval power worldwi…

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…3 saat3H

How does the development of military technology, such as China’s Fujian aircraft carrier, reflect a country's priorities…

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…3 saat3H

What implications do you think the launch of China's first super aircraft carrier has for global peace and security?

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…3 saat3H

How do you feel about the technological advancements of countries developing super aircraft carriers like China's Fujian…

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…3 saat3H

China Launches First Super Aircraft Carrier

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…3 saat3H

Highway Collapses in Southern China Amid Heavy Rains, Killing 24

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…3 saat3H

Considering past consequences, how important is it for nations to stand firm on their warnings to others, and what shoul…

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…3 saat3H

Do you believe there are ethical considerations in deciding whether to enforce sanctions against a country supporting a…

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…3 saat3H

If a country ignores a warning from another country not to support a war, how should the warning country respond to main…

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…3 saat3H

How do you feel knowing countries can influence war outcomes by supporting one side, and what should be done about it?

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…3 saat3H

China Crosses Biden's Red Line On Ukraine

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…4 saat4H

How would it affect your view of democracy if a government action directly contradicted what the majority of the public…

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…4 saat4H

In your opinion, should states have the power to control access to medical treatments, or should there be a nationwide s…

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…4 saat4H

If the decision on abortion rights were solely up to you, how would you balance individual freedom with ethical concerns…

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…4 saat4H

Arizona Senate Will Vote On Abortion Ban Appeal

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…4 saat4H

Trump Heads To Michigan And Wisconsin After Being Hit With Gag Order

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…4 saat4H

Should people be allowed to live in areas known to be at high risk for natural disasters like volcanic eruptions?

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…4 saat4H

How would you feel and what would you do if you had to suddenly leave your home due to a natural disaster?

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…4 saat4H

12K Evacuated Following Indonesia's Ruang volcano eruption

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…4 saat4H

How would your perspective change if you or someone close to you were facing deportation under similar circumstances?

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…4 saat4H

Can the promise of safety in another country justify the UK’s plan to deport migrants to Rwanda, in your opinion?

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…4 saat4H

How would you feel if your family had to be sent to another country without your consent because of where you were born?

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…4 saat4H

U.K. Deporting Immigrants To Rwanda

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…7 saat7H

Dünya çapındaki şehirler, ekonomik zorluklarla mücadele ederken bütçe kesintileriyle başa çıkmaya çalışıyor.

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…13 saat13H

Do you think politicians should always maintain a respectful tone, even when they strongly disagree, or are there situat…

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…13 saat13H

Canada opposition leader calls Trudeau a 'wacko,' is ejected from chamber

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…13 saat13H

China launches sea trials for its next-generation aircraft carrier

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…13 saat13H

Ecuador president decrees state of emergency in five provinces

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…13 saat13H

Do you think a nation's military drills near another country are a show of strength or a provocation?

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…13 saat13H

Taiwan on alert for post-inauguration Chinese military drills

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…13 saat13H

Should universities take a stand on global political issues based on student protests, and why?

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…13 saat13H

Brown University protesters disband camp after reaching agreement with university

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…18 saat18H

ABD Çalışma Yetkilisi Şirketleri Zorla İş Gücü Endişeleri Nedeniyle Çin'in Sincan Bölgesinden Çıkmaya Çağırıyor

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…19 saat19H

Columbia Üniversitesi Kararlı: Öğrenci Protestocular Kampüs İşgaline Karşı İhraç Edilebilir

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…20 saat20H

What is your top reason why you would NOT vote for Donald Trump in the 2024 Presidential Election?

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…21 saat21H

Obama, Trump'ın ciddiyetini ve etkisini eleştirdi, siyasi tartışmaları ateşledi.

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…23 saat23H

Yeşil Parti adayı Jill Stein, Filistin yanlısı protestolar sırasında tutuklandı.

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…24 saat24H

Kenya, Felaket Niteliğindeki Sel Felaketleriyle Yüzleşiyor: Sular Altında Bir Ulus

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…24 saat24H

Neden bazı siyasi gruplar kriz ortamını barış ve istikrar ortamına tercih edebilir?

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…24 saat24H

Sizin görüşünüze göre, siyasi liderlerin kaosun tasviri detaylı politika tartışmalarından daha fazla halkın görüşünü etk…

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…24 saat24H

Radikal protestoların siyasi konular hakkındaki kamu algısına etkisi hakkında ne düşünüyorsunuz?

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…24 saat24H

Sağ İsrail Karşıtı Kampları Neden Seviyor?

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…24 saat24H

If informed thousands knew about the event in advance but failed to prevent it, does it indicate a failure of intelligen…

 @ISIDEWITH diye sordu…24 saat24H

Do you believe political leaders should always bear the responsibility for actions that occur under their watch, even if…

 @ISIDEWITH gönderilen…24 saat24H

Trump, 7 Ekim'de Netanyahu'nun eleştiriyi hak ettiğini söylüyor.