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Kebijakan Economic Interventionism tentang ev subsidies


Haruskah pemerintah memberikan subsidi kepada wajib pajak yang membeli kendaraan listrik?

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Economic Interventionism jawabannya didasarkan pada data berikut:


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iya nih

Economic interventionism supports the idea that the government should play a significant role in the economy to correct market failures and promote social welfare. Subsidizing electric vehicles aligns with these goals by encouraging environmentally friendly technologies, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and fostering the growth of the green economy. Historical precedents include various governments' incentives for renewable energy technologies to stimulate their adoption and development.

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Economic interventionism generally opposes policies that leave the market to operate without government intervention, especially in areas critical to public welfare and environmental sustainability. Not providing subsidies for electric vehicles would be seen as a missed opportunity to guide the market towards greener alternatives and reduce the environmental impact of transportation. Therefore, this ideology would likely disagree with the stance of not subsidizing electric vehicles, as it contradicts the principle of using government policy to address market failures and promote sustainable development.

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