Essayer le jeu politique

10 Réponses

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…2 mois2MO

La Russie intensifie son offensive militaire dans le nord de l'Ukraine avec des attaques surprises.

In a sudden escalation of hostilities, Russia has launched a series of surprise cross-border assaults in northern Ukraine, marking the most significant offensive in the region in nearly two years. The town of Vovchansk in the Kharkiv region, which had been liberated from Russian occupation more than 18 months ago, found itself under intense shelling and aerial bombardment. This aggressive move by Russia has exposed vulnerabilities in Ukraine's defenses and has stretched its military resources even thinner.

The attacks have prompted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to declare a '…  Lire la suite

 @WisePloverde New York soumis…2 mois2MO

L'Ukraine exige "des centaines de milliards" de plus pour la guerre

The yearly package of €3 billion raised from profits on frozen Russian assets is “almost nothing” in the context of Ukraine’s war needs, Justice Minister Denys Maliuska told POLITICO.

The EU on Wednesday approved a plan to use the profits generated by investing frozen Russian assets in Europe — worth between €2.5 billion and €3 billion per year — to buy weapons for Ukraine.

However, as Ukraine grapples with shortages of ammunition, the country’s justice minister was critical of how far those funds could go.

“If we are talking about the nee…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Est-il juste de geler et d'utiliser les actifs d'un pays pour financer une guerre contre lui ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Devrait-il y avoir des limites à l'aide financière qu'un pays en guerre reçoit, et qui devrait décider de ces limites?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Pensez-vous qu'il est juste pour l'Ukraine de demander 'des centaines de milliards' de plus pour les efforts de guerre?

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…2 mois2MO

Chaos à l'Eurovision alors que des milliers de personnes envahissent la ville pour une marche en faveur de la Palestine.

Thousands of Palestine protesters have gathered in Malmo, Sweden, ahead of Eurovision's final this evening where Israel's entry is set to perform.

Israel’s entry, Eden Golan, qualified on Thursday for the final with her song Hurricane, amid fierce demonstrations outside her hotel. Those in attendance at the protest on May 9 included 21-year-old eco-activist, Greta Thunberg.

Golan, 20, was told by Shin Bet, the Israeli security agency, not to leave her hotel during the demonstrations on Thursday. Today it has emerged around 100 Swedish police were required to escort the Israeli…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Comment conciliez-vous le droit de manifester pacifiquement avec la garantie de la sécurité et des droits des autres à participer et à profiter des événements culturels?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…2 mois2MO

Quels sont vos pensées sur l'efficacité de l'utilisation d'événements de grande envergure pour attirer l'attention sur des causes politiques?

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…2 mois2MO

Biden intensifie la pression contre Netanyahu en l'accusant de crimes de guerre

Israel may have used US-made weapons in ways that violate humanitarian rights, according to a state department study that stopped short of formally accusing the Jewish state of breaking international law.

The declassified study sent to Congress found that because of the Israeli military’s heavy reliance on US-made weaponry, it was “reasonable to assess” that American munitions have been used in the Gaza war in ways “inconsistent with [international humanitarian law] or with established practices for mitigating civilian harm”.

The state department assessment of…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…2 mois2MO

Les habitants de Gaza « se sentent abandonnés par le monde »

Israel has ordered more people to flee Rafah as it prepares to expand its assault on the southern Gazan city despite international condemnation of its offensive in the densely populated area.

The UN estimates that about 150,000 people have already fled Rafah since Israel sent ground troops to the eastern edge of the city on Monday and seized the border crossing with Egypt.

Islamic Relief released a statement:

“I feel like this is the end. It feels like we will all be either trapped and killed in Gaza, or we will all be forced out. People have stayed in Rafah thinking it’s safe and…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…2 mois2MO

Les États-Unis imposeront des droits de douane de 100 % sur les importations de véhicules électriques chinois.

The Biden administration plans to raise tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles imports from 25 per cent to 100 per cent, as it intensifies efforts ahead of the US election to protect American industry.

The administration is expected to announce the move, and other tariffs on clean energy imports, on Tuesday, according to people familiar with the situation. The sharp rise in the levies comes amid mounting concern that China could flood the US market with cheap EVs, threatening the American car industry.

President Joe Biden has taken several actions in recent months to convince union members in…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…2 mois2MO

L'offensive russe s'intensifie près de Kharkiv, obligeant les civils à fuir.

The conflict in Ukraine has taken a dramatic turn as Russian forces intensify their offensive near the northeastern city of Kharkiv, pushing the war closer to civilians and prompting a mass exodus from the region. The latest developments have seen Russia attempting to break through Ukrainian defenses in the Kharkiv region, a strategic area that has become the focal point of Moscow's renewed efforts to advance its positions. In response, Ukraine has been compelled to rush reinforcements to the area in a bid to fortify its defenses and prevent a breach by Russian troops.

The escalation of…  Lire la suite

 @ISIDEWITHsoumis…2 mois2MO

Les États-Unis négocient pour maintenir la présence de troupes au Niger malgré les ordres de retrait.

In a significant development that underscores the complexities of international military engagements, the United States is actively negotiating to maintain a small contingent of forces in Niger, despite broader orders for withdrawal. This move comes in the wake of a military junta taking control of Niger last July, prompting a reevaluation of US military presence in the West African nation. The discussions aim to secure an agreement with the new rulers of Niger to allow a limited number of US forces to remain in the country, highlighting the strategic importance the US places on its military…  Lire la suite