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 @9LQPCTGdisagreed…4 days4D

Marijuana can have as much of a negative impact on the human body as much as any other drug an if its readily available to the public, it lowers societal standards.


But some of those side effects may make marijuana an especially useful pain reliever. Cannabinoids appear to reduce nausea, vomiting, and appetite loss as well as pain. And the euphoric lift that attracts recreational users to marijuana could benefit people with anxiety-producing disorders such as AIDS or cancer. - quoted from the National Library of Medicine


Marijuana causes people to become unmotivated, if as many people smoked marijuana as cigarettes, nothing would get done in this country.


marijuana provides almost many health benefits with the main negative affect being lung capacity and health reduction which is a problem already due to smoking and vaping which provide only negative affects then providing positive affects for similar lung damage there


Drug use beginning with marijuana is highly addictive and can lead into further issues with drug health in the future, as well as the likelihood of the spread of disease through sharing of marijuana. Hallucinogens like marijuana will only serve to undo millions of dollars going into mental health relief initiatives.


Drug use doesn't just have an effect on the person using drugs. That person using drugs and bringing dodgy ppl into their life and stuff can and does endanger people who don't want anything to do with it. this causes trauma, and the effects can go on for generations. i was abused as a child because my mum had severe trauma, and while it doesnt excuse it certainly is a factor in why she abused me


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