Try the political quiz

2 Replies


Yes, but the process should be regulated to ensure the animals are not unreasonably treated.


Only when they are at least 85% confident it will work and never for cosmetic’s


Only for less harmful experiments, and with a full understanding of the potential harm to the animals.


Yes, so long as there is no harm done to the animals that the tests are being done to.


They should be allowed to test on animals such as rats and mice not bunnies also they should test on people who are in jail like X murderers


People can give a democratic vote to people to see if they are willing to take a test for a chash reward


No of course not they are living, breathing creatures or at least they are without the testing, that are getting tested against their will, humans can disagree animals can’t.


Try to use animals that aren’t as likely to be indanger or have a chance of extinction


Only if the researchers understand and aware of how much effect it would have on the animal, while only be able to test on animals less harmful experiements


Yes, but only when the research reach to final stage before human testing


Yes, but not for cosmetics and only animals that are considered highly populated in the area they are gathering the animals from, such as “pests”


This question is so broad! No for cosmetics, but yes for things necessary for life, however it should be regulated, suffering should be minimised for the animal and we should be developing ways of testing that don't rely on animals.



No test on people who have broken the law by hurting people or animals. It's the best deterent!




Yes, if the products are for the good of human kind. (Not retail products).



Yes, but fund research into alternatives so we can eventually stop animal testing completely.

 @8ZTD5RWOne Nationanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes but not for cosmetics or 'flavour development' or any other thing short of strictly medical and only within very strict guide lines which ensure minimal discomfort and suffering for the animals. Also, we need a system of information sharing in order to minimise the need for repeat experimentation.


As long as it's humanely carried out and for medical studies and the like that will further the human race



Yes, testing dangerous formulations should not be done on Humans. Testing should be minimised


as long as there is no long term harm and the animals are not in any pain and are in adequate living conditions

 @99Z4Y5H from GU answered…1yr1Y

I do believe that it’s beneficial and important that they use some animals for testing but only when they are at least 85% confident it will work and never for cosmetic’s

 @9994LPHGreenfrom Guam answered…1yr1Y

In most cases no, but some scientifc and medical research requires testing on animals like mice, and this should be allowed


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