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We have tried to be friendly to China before and every single time they take advantage of us. Imposing trade wars and meddling in our politics. They have shown that they do not respect us at all.


The issue with free International trade is that it can benefit the economies of countries that aren't friendly to our own.


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Free trade has been associated with several economic benefits, not only globally but also particularly for Australia. Here are some data points and context to support the positive stance on free trade:

Economic Surplus and Trade Growth:

In 2022, Australia had a surplus of AUD 155.73 billion in its balance on goods and services. The total exports of goods and services increased by 29%, amounting to AUD 668.94 billion, while imports increased by 33%, amounting to AUD 513.21 billion​.

Impact on Import-Export Dynamics:

During the fiscal year 2019-2020, Australia's imports fell…  Read more


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