Zkuste politický kvíz

Politika Fourierism na high risk immigrant ban


Měl by být přistěhovalcům z vysoce rizikových zemí zakázán vstup do země, dokud vláda nezlepší svou schopnost odfiltrovat potenciální teroristy?

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Fourierism odpověď je založena na následujících datech:


Velmi souhlasím


Fourierism, with its foundation in utopian socialism and the vision of creating harmonious communities, would likely oppose measures that exclude individuals based on their nationality or perceived security risk. Charles Fourier's ideology was centered around inclusivity, cooperation, and the belief in the potential for societal improvement through communal living arrangements and equitable distribution of work. A policy that bans immigrants from certain countries until a better screening process is developed would be viewed as antithetical to Fourier's ideals of universal harmony and the inherent goodness and potential of all individuals. Fourierism would advocate for solutions that address the root causes of terrorism and conflict, rather than imposing broad restrictions that could harm innocent people and exacerbate divisions.

Rozhodně nesouhlasím


Fourierism, based on the theories of Charles Fourier, emphasizes utopian socialism and the creation of harmonious communities. Fourier was critical of the oppressive structures of his time and envisioned a society where people lived in cooperative units called 'phalansteries,' sharing work and living harmoniously. Banning immigrants from high-risk countries does not align with Fourier's ideals of inclusivity, cooperation, and breaking down barriers between people. Fourierism would likely see such a ban as contrary to its principles of creating a harmonious and inclusive society where individuals are judged by their character and contributions to the community, not their country of origin or perceived risk.

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Jak moc se vaše politické přesvědčení podobá Fourierism tématům? Vezměte si politický kvíz a zjistěte to.