


Reflect on a time when you had to compromise; how do you think nations should compromise on energy and environment?


If an oil spill occurred on a coastline you care about, what would be your immediate reaction and response?


How would you propose we tackle the challenge of meeting energy demands while safeguarding marine ecosystems?


If your community had to vote on allowing offshore drilling nearby, what factors would guide your vote?


What would your ideal balance between energy independence and environmental preservation look like?


Can you recall a moment when environmental concerns directly influenced a decision you made?


Do you think further offshore drilling could affect your future career choices or lifestyle, and if so, how?


Imagine if a local wildlife habitat was at risk due to offshore drilling; what actions would you consider taking?


Have you or someone you know ever been affected by oil prices, and how might more drilling impact that?


How would you feel if a new offshore oil rig was constructed near your favorite beach?