


Is it more important to you that individual voices are represented accurately, or that the states themselves maintain political power?


If the Electoral College was abolished, what concerns might arise for you about small or less populated states in elections?


Do you believe our current system takes state diversity into account fairly, or does it create inequality among voters?


How much do you think the Electoral College system affects voter turnout in places where a specific party typically wins?


How would you react if the candidate you supported won the popular vote but lost the election?


If the system were changed to rely purely on the popular vote, how do you think it would impact presidential campaigns?


Do you believe living in a smaller state should give your vote more weight, or should votes be equal across all states?


In what ways might the Electoral College help or hurt our sense of equal representation in elections?


How would you feel if your vote in the presidential election felt like it didn’t count because of how your state votes?


Do you think it's fair that a candidate can lose the popular vote but still win the presidency?