
20 Replies


Does the goal of full employment conflict with the push towards automation and AI in our society?


How do you think a guaranteed income would affect people's motivation to work and innovate?


If you could design a system to replace capitalism, what key elements would it include?


What is your vision of racial equality, and how can it be achieved?


In what ways do you think opposing capitalism would impact our everyday lives?


How does the concept of socialized healthcare resonate with your personal experiences or those of your family?


What changes would you make to ensure full employment in the country?


Can a society truly be fair if wealth is not distributed equally?


What do you think about the idea of everyone having a guaranteed income, regardless of their job?


How would your daily life change if healthcare was free for everyone?


Envision a workplace with worker representation on the board; how would that potentially affect your attitude toward your job or choice of career?


Reflect on a moment when you felt a strong sense of community; how might government initiatives foster or hinder that sense of belonging?


How might a policy focusing on environmental sustainability alter your day-to-day life, such as transportation or consumption habits?


If you could change one thing about how elections are funded, what would that be and why?


Think about the last time you volunteered or helped someone in need; how did it make you feel, and should 'giving back' be a societal requirement?


How would it affect your pursuit of happiness if the wealth gap significantly decreased?


What personal experiences have led you to either support or oppose stronger regulations on businesses?


Can you imagine a society without social classes, and how would that personally affect your goals and dreams?


In what ways do you think a minimum guaranteed income could change your community or your own ambitions?


How would you feel if healthcare and education were free for everyone, and what impact would it have on your future plans?