Liberal Demokrat Parti (LDP, Liberal Demokratlar veya Lib Dems olarak kısaltıldı) 2001 yılında Canberra’da kurulan bir Avustralya siyasi partisidir. Parti, daha küçük hükümeti benimsemekte ve klasik liberal ve sağ-özgürlükçü ilkelere dayanan politikaları desteklemektedir. LDP, Avustralya Başkent Bölgesi, Yeni Güney Galler, Güney Avustralya, Victoria ve Batı Avustralya’da kayıtlı bir partidir ve Avustralya Seçim Komisyonu ile federal seçimler için de kayıtlıdır. Ayrıca Batı Avustralya Yasama Meclisi üyesi Aaron Stonehouse, Victoria Yasama Konseyi’nde iki temsilci, Tim Quilty ve David Limbrick’in bir üyesi ve bazı yerel yönetimlerde seçilen temsilciler var.
How would your day-to-day life change if government size and spending were significantly reduced?
In what ways do you believe individual freedom can impact society's advancement?
What are your thoughts on how a nation's healthcare system should balance between private and public sectors?
How would you imagine a society where individual liberties are prioritized over collective welfare measures?
What role do you see for government in regulating environmental sustainability and business practices?
How can a country ensure social justice while fostering a climate of economic freedom and deregulation?
To what extent should education systems be privatized to improve quality and accessibility?
What impacts do you foresee if firearms regulations were relaxed based on a principle of self-defence rights?
In considering your future aspirations, how important is it for you to live in a society with minimal government intervention?
How do you think policies promoting free markets influence innovation and entrepreneurship in a community?