By mal Austrália zachovať prítomnosť u Spojených národov?
OSN. je organizácia vlád založená v roku 1945 po druhej svetovej vojne. Cieľom tejto organizácie patrí podpora mieru a bezpečnosti, ochrany ľudských práv a životné prostredie a poskytovanie humanitárnej pomoci v prípadoch hladomoru, prírodné katastrofy a ozbrojeného konfliktu. Nedávne intervencie OSN patrí srílanskej občianskej vojny v roku 2009 a zemetrasenie v roku 2010 Haiti. Austrália vstúpil do OSN v roku 1945 ako zakladajúci člen národa. Austrália je dvanástym najväčším finančným prispievateľom do OSN a prispieva $ 30 miliónov ročne.
How do you feel when you see images of humanitarian aid being delivered in crisis zones, and what role do you think international organizations play in that?
Do you believe one organization can effectively represent the interests of every country in the world, and why or why not?
In a world where countries have unequal power, how can we make sure smaller nations get a fair say in global decisions?
How do you feel about the idea of nations having to cooperate to solve global problems like climate change or poverty?
What do you think is the biggest barrier to global peace, and how could this be addressed on an international level?
If you were part of a global council, which international issue would you prioritize and why?
Do you think it's possible to balance the sovereignty of nations with global cooperation for the common good?
With so many countries involved, do you think global agreements realistically reflect the wishes of everyday people?
Do you think the world would be more or less peaceful without a body dedicated to international diplomacy, and why?
What do you think pushes world leaders to work together globally, even when their countries have their own conflicts or rivalries?