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 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Trump e Biden entram em conflito em meio a um drama jurídico contínuo

In a dramatic twist of political and legal narratives, the ongoing criminal trial of former President Donald Trump has become a focal point of contention between him and current President Joe Biden. Trump, facing charges in an unprecedented case, has vehemently argued that it is Biden who 'should be in jail' and 'on trial,' pointing fingers at the Biden administration for what he perceives as grave injustices. His comments came as he addressed the media, emphasizing the global attention on the New York case against him, suggesting it tarnishes the image of American democra…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

A controvérsia gira enquanto os sérvios da Bósnia negam o genocídio de Srebrenica em meio à condenação internacional

In a series of events that have sparked international outrage and concern, thousands of Bosnian Serbs have recently rallied to deny the occurrence of genocide in Srebrenica in 1995, despite the overwhelming evidence and rulings by two United Nations courts affirming the genocide where over 8,000 Bosniak Muslim men and boys were executed by Bosnian Serb forces. This denial comes amidst moves by the Bosnian Serb parliament to adopt a report contradicting the established international consensus on the Srebrenica massacre, claiming that the events do not constitute genocide. These actions have…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Captura dramática do fugitivo mais procurado da América na Cidade do Vaticano

In a scene that seemed more like a plot from an international thriller, Italian police made a high-profile arrest last week in St. Peter's Square, Vatican City, capturing one of America's most wanted fugitives. The individual, identified as Moises Tejada, was apprehended while carrying three concealed knives among the crowds outside the Vatican, marking a significant victory for law enforcement agencies on both sides of the Atlantic.

Tejada, who has been classified as violent by the New York state prison service's investigations unit, was on the run, evading authorities and mana…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Irã ameaça Israel com guerra nuclear

Iran has warned Israel it is likely to review its nuclear stance if its atomic facilities are threatened, as tensions rise following the Islamic republic’s weekend drone and missile attack on Israel.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said on Thursday that Tehran may “reconsider” its nuclear policy, which it has long insisted is purely peaceful but which western powers say has put it on the threshold of becoming a weapons state.

The warning was issued as the US and UK announced new sanctions on Iran’s drone programme in response to Saturday’s strike on Israel.

…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Como você reagiria se soubesse que as ações do seu país poderiam levar outro país a considerar o uso de armas nucleares?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Se o seu governo estivesse a considerar mudar a sua política nuclear em resposta a ameaças, como gostaria que eles procedessem?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Qual é a sua opinião sobre o papel das sanções na prevenção de conflitos; eles ajudam ou provocam mais tensões?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Você acredita que qualquer nação deveria possuir armas nucleares e, em caso afirmativo, sob quais condições?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Presidente turco diz que Israel é “pior que Hitler”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused Israel of outdoing Adolf Hitler by killing 14,000 children in Gaza.

Speaking to a meeting of his Justice and Development (AK) Party legislators in the Turkish parliament, Erdogan said that the Palestinian cause has given his life meaning, according to Anadolu news agency.

“As long as God grants me life, I will continue to defend the struggle of Palestine, and will be the voice of the oppressed Palestinian people,” the Turkish leader said.

“Israel has already outdone Hitler…We stood up and said Hamas is not a terrorist…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Refletindo sobre a ideia de ser uma voz para os “oprimidos”, o que significa para você defender uma causa em que acredita, especialmente quando ela é controversa ou impopular na comunidade internacional mais ampla?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

O que pensa sobre a responsabilidade moral dos líderes globais na abordagem ou resposta a conflitos como o descrito entre Israel e Gaza?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Considerando a alegação de que o Hamas não é uma organização terrorista, mas um grupo de resistência, como você percebe a diferença entre terrorismo e resistência, e onde você pessoalmente traça o limite?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Como você se sente ao comparar líderes políticos ou países contemporâneos a figuras históricas como Hitler, e que impacto você acha que tais comparações têm no discurso público?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Rússia pede às Nações Unidas que considerem sancionar Israel

Russia’s permanent representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzia has called on the United Nations to consider imposing sanctions on Israel over its non-compliance with obligatory resolutions passed by the Security Council.

He noted that UNSC Resolution 2728 demanded a ceasefire in Gaza during Ramadan, and this had not been implemented by Israel.

“We remind you once again that non-compliance with mandatory Security Council resolutions must lead to sanctions against violators. We believe that the Council should consider this issue without delay,” Nebenzia said on Thursday during a…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

A comunidade internacional deveria ter um mecanismo para fazer cumprir as resoluções do Conselho de Segurança da ONU, e como você imagina que ele funcione?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Quando, se é que alguma vez, as preocupações humanitárias internacionais deverão prevalecer sobre a soberania nacional?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Como você se sentiria se as ações de outro país contradissessem diretamente um importante acordo internacional, e essas ações deveriam ser punidas?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

As importações chinesas são uma “ameaça direta” à agenda de Biden

Unions, manufacturing groups and some economists say the administration may need to do much more to restrict Chinese imports if it hopes to ensure that Mr. Biden’s vast industrial initiatives are not swamped by lower-cost Chinese versions of the same emerging technologies.

“It is a very clear and present danger, because the industrial policy of the Biden administration is largely focused on not the traditional low-skill, low-wage manufacturing, but new, high-tech manufacturing,” said Eswar Prasad, a Cornell University economist who specializes in trade policies.

“Those…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Deverão os EUA arriscar uma adopção possivelmente mais lenta de tecnologias verdes para garantir que sejam fabricadas internamente?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Você acredita que restringir as importações da China é justo se proteger os empregos e as indústrias americanas?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Mudanças climáticas: uma crise global que se desenrola em tempo real

The world is witnessing an unprecedented series of extreme weather events, from record-breaking rainfall in desert nations to unexpected snowfall in spring, signaling a dire warning from our planet. Climate change, once a distant threat, has now become an immediate crisis, affecting every corner of the globe. The recent spate of unusual weather patterns, including devastating floods in the United Arab Emirates and severe droughts in Colombia, underscores the urgent need for global action against this existential threat. Scientists and researchers are sounding the alarm, emphasizing that these…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Catar enfrenta desafios como mediador nas negociações de cessar-fogo em Gaza

In the complex geopolitical landscape of the Middle East, Qatar finds itself at the center of a critical and challenging negotiation process, as it seeks to mediate a ceasefire and hostage deal between Israel and Hamas. The Gulf Arab nation, known for its diplomatic efforts in the region, has recently expressed concerns over the stalling of talks, highlighting the delicate balance it must maintain amidst international pressure and criticism of its ties to Hamas. As the negotiations hit a stumbling block, the role of Qatar as a mediator has come under scrutiny, with the country itself reconsid…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Sanções dos EUA à Venezuela saem pela culatra

U.S. officials are concerned that reverting to Trump-era sanctions that accelerated the decline of Venezuela’s oil production would raise the price of gas at U.S. pumps and prompt more migration from Venezuela as President Biden campaigns for re-election in November. Restricting Western oil companies would tighten global energy supplies and open the way for Chinese investment in Venezuela, they say.

Biden administration officials have said they didn’t think that the oil sanctions—leveled against Venezuela in early 2019 in former President Donald Trump’s effort to force…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

A situação na Venezuela muda a sua visão sobre a eficácia das sanções como ferramenta para promover a democracia?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Poderão as sanções económicas alguma vez ser justificadas se conduzirem ao agravamento das crises humanitárias no país visado?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Deverá o potencial aumento dos preços do gás nos EUA ser uma preocupação na decisão da política externa, especialmente no que diz respeito às sanções?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Dois espiões russos presos em base militar dos EUA na Alemanha

Two men have been arrested in Germany on suspicion of spying for Russia and collecting information on potential attack targets, including U.S. military facilities, authorities said Thursday.

The German Federal Prosecutor's office said in a statement that two German-Russian nationals — named only as Dieter S. and Alexander J. in line with the country's privacy rules — were working with a Russian secret service agent to undermine international military support for Ukraine.

Dieter S. is suspected to be a former fighter for pro-Kremlin forces in eastern Ukraine and is accused…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Como é que a prisão de espiões numa base militar afecta o seu sentido de segurança nacional e confiança nas relações internacionais?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Você acredita que a espionagem de países aliados é alguma vez justificada e em que circunstâncias, se houver?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Deverão os indivíduos suspeitos de espionar para um governo estrangeiro ser tratados de forma diferente de outros criminosos no sistema judicial?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

O que você acha que motiva alguém a se tornar espião, especialmente em situações que possam colocar em risco a segurança de seu país de origem?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Partido no poder da Croácia enfrenta desafios de coalizão após eleição

In the aftermath of Croatia's latest parliamentary elections, the country's political landscape is poised for a period of intense negotiations and coalition-building. The Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), the long-standing ruling party, emerged as the victor in the recent polls. However, despite their victory, the HDZ finds itself in a precarious position, lacking the outright majority needed to govern unchallenged. This outcome sets the stage for a series of complex discussions aimed at forming a viable government.

The election results underscore a fragmented political environment…  Consulte Mais informação

 @OffendedP0liticda Minnesota submetido…1 mês1MO

Israel censura jornalistas internacionais por cobrirem Gaza

Though international media workers rushed to Israel (it has granted accreditation to at least 2,800 correspondents since the war started), none have been allowed into Gaza except on a handful of tightly controlled tours led by the Israeli military. As a result, for the past six months, the world has been almost entirely reliant on the reporting of local Palestinian journalists for on-site information about the impact of the war — along with mostly unverified social media posts that have flooded the information space since its start.

The refusal to allow international media to cover Gaza…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Que impacto você acha que as mídias sociais têm na formação da nossa percepção dos conflitos quando o jornalismo tradicional é restrito?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Como você acha que limitar o acesso de jornalistas a zonas de conflito como Gaza afeta a nossa compreensão do que realmente está acontecendo lá?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Jornalista tunisino condenado a seis meses por insultar funcionário

In a move that has sparked widespread concern among advocates for press freedom, a Tunisian court has sentenced journalist Mohamed Boughalleb to six months in prison for insulting a public official. Boughalleb, known for his critical stance against President Kais Saied, faced charges that have been condemned by his legal team and supporters as an assault on the freedom of expression. The sentence was handed down on Wednesday, marking a significant moment in Tunisia's ongoing struggle with media censorship and the suppression of dissenting voices. According to Boughalleb's lawyer,…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Príncipe Harry aceita residência nos EUA, gerando especulações e questões jurídicas

In a move that has captured global attention, Prince Harry has officially declared himself a resident of the United States, marking a significant shift in his life post-royal exit. The revelation came to light through documents filed for his eco-tourism organization, Travalyst, where he listed the U.S. as his country of residence. This decision underscores the Duke of Sussex's commitment to his new life in America, alongside his wife, Meghan Markle, and their children, since stepping back from royal duties in 2020.

The implications of Prince Harry's U.S. residency are manifold, spark…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Burkina Faso expulsa diplomatas franceses em meio a tensões crescentes

In a bold move that has captured international attention, Burkina Faso's military junta has expelled three French diplomats, accusing them of engaging in 'subversive activities'. This decision underscores the escalating tensions between Burkina Faso and its former colonial ruler, France, marking a significant moment in the West African nation's diplomatic relations. According to official statements and documents circulated on social media and verified by reputable news outlets, the Burkinabe government has declared these diplomats 'persona non grata', giving them…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Embriões de fertilização in vitro em Gaza destruídos por ataque israelense

When an Israeli shell struck Gaza's largest fertility clinic in December, the explosion blasted the lids off five liquid nitrogen tanks stored in a corner of the embryology unit.

As the ultra-cold liquid evaporated, the temperature inside the tanks rose, destroying more than 4,000 embryos plus 1,000 more specimens of sperm and unfertilized eggs stored at Gaza City's Al Basma IVF centre.

The embryos in those tanks were the last hope for hundreds of Palestinian couples facing infertility.

"We know deeply what these 5,000 lives, or potential lives, meant for the parents, either for…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Refletindo sobre a história dos embriões de fertilização in vitro destruídos, o que este evento lhe diz sobre as implicações mais amplas da guerra nos sonhos individuais e no progresso social?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Como pensa que a destruição destes embriões afecta o debate mais amplo sobre o valor das instalações médicas em zonas de conflito?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Quais são os seus sentimentos em relação à intersecção da tecnologia médica moderna, como a fertilização in vitro, e as realidades da guerra?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Considerando a jornada emocional da fertilização in vitro, o que você acha da perda desses embriões devido a conflitos?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Delegação dos EUA visitará a China enquanto as tensões aumentam

Blinken will depart on April 23 for a four-day trip to China, where he will meet with senior Chinese officials amid heightening tensions, including over China's alignment with Russia and aggressive moves against the Philippines in the South China Sea, Politico reported.

Blinken is also expected to raise U.S. concerns that Beijing is helping Russia build up its defense industry to fight the war in Ukraine.

"China welcomes Secretary of State Blinken to visit China in the next few days," said Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, Lin Jian, at a regular press briefing.

Blinken…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Você acha que é possível haver concorrência leal no comércio entre países poderosos como os EUA e a China, ou um sempre tentará dominar o outro?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

À luz dos movimentos agressivos no Mar da China Meridional, quão importante é para os países manterem o controlo sobre as suas águas territoriais, e a que custo?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Considerando o alegado apoio da China à Rússia na Ucrânia, deveriam os países dar prioridade aos direitos humanos e à segurança global em detrimento dos laços económicos?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Você acredita que visitas de alto nível como a de Blinken à China podem realmente aliviar as tensões ou são apenas formalidades diplomáticas?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Aborto e fronteira dominam corrida ao Senado dos EUA no campo de batalha do Arizona

U.S. Representative Ruben Gallego, the leading Democratic candidate in a closely watched U.S. Senate race, has criticized Republican former President Donald Trump for paving the way for the Arizona Supreme Court last week to reinstate a near-total abortion ban based on an 1864 law written during the U.S. Civil War and when women lacked the right to vote.

Gallego said his internal campaign polling showed Latino voters, and younger Latinos especially, were concerned about abortion rights.

Jennifer Contreras, a 33-year-old school administrator in Tucson, told Reuters that she strongly opposes Trum…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Imagem assustadora de Gaza é eleita a foto do ano pela imprensa mundial em 2024

In a powerful testament to the human cost of conflict, a photograph capturing a moment of profound grief in the Gaza Strip has been awarded the 2024 World Press Photo of the Year. The image, taken by Reuters photographer Mohammed Salem, depicts a Palestinian woman cradling the lifeless body of her five-year-old niece, a young victim of an Israeli strike. This poignant photograph has resonated globally, highlighting the ongoing strife in the region and the innocent lives caught in the crossfire.

The award, announced on Thursday, recognizes the impact and significance of visual journalism in she…  Consulte Mais informação