Yes, but the government should provide free language learning courses
No, we should embrace the diversity that immigrants add to our country
Yes, and remove multilingual translations from government documents and services
No, but remove multilingual translations from government documents and services

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I think its a bit controversial to say English should be the primary language in Australia while the traditional languages of this country aren't of importance


I believe it shouldn’t be required, but the government should provide free language learning choices.


They shouldn't be 'required' or 'forced' but free language learning courses should be available if they are interested.


they should not be required to learn it, they should only learn it when they decide that they need to, for jobs or other things, not because the government forces them to when they don't need to yet. the government should also provide free language learning courses to immigrants who need it and arent well off.


they should be speaking English in a predominantly English speaking country. but they should be allowed to speak there own language if they want to


I don't think they should be made to learn English, but I do believe that is should be recommended to help the immigrants assimilate, and as such government should provide free language learning courses.

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